Plans to support alternates to STM hardware? (AT32, etc.)

Just wondering if Ardupilot was planning to support some of the newer alternatives coming out. Betaflight supports the AT32F435, for example. Some SKUs have up to 4MB of flash.

Are they supported by ChibiOS?

Here we see
In addition, it supports IDE platforms such as Keil, IAR, eclipse, RT-Thread Studio, and OS/GUI platforms such as Rt-Thread OS, FreeRTOS, and LittlevGL

So potentially : yes but somebody will have to port to ChibiOS and this is not easy as a walk in the park…

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Any progress on AT32 chips?

Hello devs!
Please say if there is any progress with it?
These chips are already in use by iFlight.

It cant be added until its supported by ChibiOS and there are currently no plans for that as far as I can find.


Have you considered doing that request to the ChibiOS developers?

I have to say that i’m not very familiar with the developpment process. I’ll be happy to put that request to chibiOS developers, will look for te right way and ask here if I can’t find it!

You can find it here. Submit a request for a quote:


Thank you for help, I’ll let you know if it moves