Plane Motors do not disarm even after a crash

Hello, I have a few questions after programming a VTOL.

Motors do not disarm even after a crash I have to use Radio.
flight mode does not beep when engaged.
Motors seem under powered.

: ArduPlane V4.0.5 (0bfa2638)

What radio are you using? Mine beeps (Taranis) every time I change the flight mode.
If motors are underpowered, you need to get bigger motors, there is no software motor upgrade.

At first I set it up with the Spectrum then decided to use my Taranis wondering if that could be a issue. I guess I could delete the old config and start new.

regarding the Motors possibly i need to re calibrate with the swap out to the Taranis as the end points could be different? One odd thing the rear motor is beeping when powering up after removing the 32 bit BLH to a non 32 bit one that i could not get to spin in Manual mode…

Also q_calabrate is now not working.

Reset the Configs and the motors seems better… no flight mode beep when changed, no disarming without Radio and motor rear does seem to want calibrate every time the battery plugs in with two pulse followed by one long beep. Quad motors arm and power up rear motor works.