Hi guys, i’m new for this forum
1st i have to poligies if my English doesnt that good, i’m from indonesia
Yesterday i flown my skywalker x8 (after swaping from pix to apm 2.8) with pix it flies great
oke let’s continue, i start with auto takeoff, takeoff was fine, it climb and with certain altitude i set (80m) it start back to home launch (RTL)
my question is, sometime it climb with no reason (CRUISE MODE) with full throttle i had to change to FBWA to regain control slow down thr and lowered the altitude
i don’t know what happen, maybe someone can read the log? whats wrong with that unusualy behaves? i’m not that good reading APM LOG
and two other things, with picture i attach do i have my airspeed sensor unfunction? because ussualy i see two lines on that graphs
and last question, why i see thr jump to 99%, actually i set thr_max with 75%
Thank You for your help
2017-05-21 09-11-20.bin (2.0 MB)