Plane crash during Auto TakeOff

Most of the time I use Auto take off as part of a mission in “auto” mode. Back in the days of AP3.9.xx versions the option of AutoTakeOff as flight mode was not available. I kept using the old way. It just works for me.
PS: I like your kind of humor. We all know this situations …

Thanks for confirmation. I would be amazed if I would be only one who achieved this.

After watching the videos of the failed attempts to me it looks like you throw the plane with a lot of spin. This is too much for the flight controller to compensate. Especially at low speeds after a tame launch.
Try to push the plane more straight in to the wind.

Your settings should be good enough, You already achieved a successful flight.

A few more tips which worked for me:

  • Try the first flights (take offs) with more wind. It helps at launch.
  • If it does not work. Remove some equipement to make the plane lighter
  • Try a lighter battery (while maintaining the right CoG)
  • After some successful launches you will be more confident and get a better understanding of the weight the plane can handle
  • last but not least: make a few fast steps against the wind while throwing the plane to increase the launch speed

Hope this helps.