Plane 4.5.2 flight modes not processed


Updatet my arduplane to 4.5.2.
Now the Flight modes are not working .
I,am using speedybee f405 wing app in the ranger 1600
TX is frsky x20s RX is TD- MX sport connected to sbus pin.

I programmed the channel 6 as channel for the flight modes change
Before upgrade it was working like a charm.
Now only once or twice than it will not change on the data screen.
In the config screen the servo in-output are working
In the flight modes config screen the change request is working as it should.
No changes in the data screen.
Like to hear where are I going wrong.
If further data , lists, logs are requered i will profide.

Kind regards,

Just loaded 4.5.0
And the flight modes are working

Can you post a logfile from when the issue occurred please?

Sorry just went back to 4.5.0. I have some priority in flying.
Not possible to send logfile from 4.5.2.
To me it looks like, have a check on the software related to modes. As this is
Most handeled in version 4.5.2 right?
Kind regards

If time prevail I will upload to 4.5.2 in order te make a logfile.

Kind regards,

No worries, post a log when you can.

From the release notes I can’t see anything that might cause your problem.

Hello Oli,

I found the logfile is not revision dependable remains on sd card.
So hopefully it will help. If it is the correct logfile. If not let me know.
It is the file from 15-05-2024 I was testing nearly the whole day to figerout what is causing the problem. The problem is the flight modes didn,t follow the request from function switch. Only once or twice.
It uses channel 6 chopped in 6 value ranges so 6 positions are made.
Regards Theo
ps. file to lange?

Hello Oli,

Here the large logfile. Sorry to do it this way.

Regards, Theo

(Attachment 2024-05-15 17-43-00.bin is missing)

All files reported to big? Althoug they are 3.299kb?

I’ve noticed that, something wrong with the forum settings or PHP I guess. Upload them to GDrive or another filesharing service and share the link.

Oli1, here the link xfingers

Regards, Theo

You’re assigning both a FLTMODE_CH and flight modes to individual channels via RCx_OPTION. I would suggest you set RC[6,7,8,9,10,11]_OPTION to 0, then select the flight mode via CH6.

Hi Oli,

I will test and will let you know.

Many thanks

Regards, Theo

Hi Oli,
Tested on 4.5.2 and works like a charm.
I must have changed parameters by accident.
Sorry for the misunderstanding.
Many thanks for your swift and professional help.

Regards Theo