Plane 4.4 release

@Rolf which PR was this exactly? Thanks

Plane 4.4.0 is released!
Many thanks to everyone who contributed to the development and testing of this major release. There have been no changes since beta5, and we have now released copter and plane 4.4.0 final.

Changes from 4.3.7:

  1. New autopilots supported
    • Flywoo Goku F405S AIO
    • Foxeer H743v1
    • HeeWing-F405 and F405v2
    • Holybro KakuteH7-Wing support
    • iFlight BlitzF7
    • JFB100 support
    • Mamba-F405-2022B
    • Matek-F405-TE/VTOL
    • PixPilot-V3
    • PixSurveyA2
    • rFCU H743
    • SIYI N7
    • SpeedyBee-405-Wing
    • ThePeach K1/R1
  2. Autopilot specific changes
    • Bi-Directional DShot support for:
      • CubeOrangePlus-bdshot
      • CUAVNora+
      • MatekF405TE/VTOL-bdshot
      • MatekL431
      • Pixhawk1-bdshot
      • Pixhawk6C-bdshot
      • Pixhawk6X-bdshot
      • QioTekZealotH743-bdshot
    • Bi-Directional DShot up to 8 channels on MatekH743
    • BlueRobotics Navigator supports baro on I2C bus 6
    • BMP280 baro only for BeastF7, KakuteF4, KakuteF7Mini, MambaF405, MatekF405, Omnibusf4 to reduce code size (aka “flash”)
    • CSRF and Hott telemetry disabled by default on some low power boards (aka “minimised boards”)
    • Diatone-Mamba-MK4-H743v2 uses SPL06 baro (was DPS280)
    • DMA for I2C disabled on F7 and H7 boards
    • FlywooF745 update to motor pin output mapping and baro
    • Foxeer Reaper F745 supports external compasses
    • OmnibusF4 support for BMI270 IMU
    • OmnibusF7V2-bdshot support removed
    • KakuteF7 regains displayport, frees up DMA from unused serial port
    • KakuteH7v2 gets second battery sensor
    • Mamba-F405v2 supports ICM42688
    • MambaH743v4 supports VTX
    • MatekF405-Wing supports InvensenseV3 IMUs
    • Matek-H743 IMU SPI slowed to 1Mhz to avoid init issues
    • PixPilot-V6 heater enabled
    • Raspberry 64OS startup crash fixed
    • ReaperF745AIO serial protocol defaults fixed
    • SkystarsH7HD (non-bdshot) removed as users should always use -bdshot version
    • Skyviper loses many unnecessary features to save flash
    • UBlox GPS only for AtomRCF405NAVI, BeastF7, MatekF405, Omnibusf4 to reduce code size (aka “flash”)
    • VRBrain-v52 and VRCore-v10 features reduced to save flash
  3. Driver enhancements
    • improved DroneCAN GPS support
    • BMI088 IMU filtering and timing improved, ignores bad data
    • CRSF OSD may display disarmed state after flight mode (enabled using RC_OPTIONS)
    • Daiwa winch baud rate obeys SERIALx_BAUD parameter
    • EFI supports fuel pressure and ignition voltage reporting and battery failsafe
    • ICM45686 IMU support
    • ICM20602 uses fast reset instead of full reset on bad temperature sample (avoids occasional very high offset)
    • ICM45686 supports fast sampling
    • INA228 and INA238 I2C battery monitor support
    • LP5562 I2C and IS31FL3195 LED drivers
    • MAX31865 temp sensor support
    • MB85RS256TY-32k, PB85RS128C and PB85RS2MC FRAM support
    • MMC3416 compass orientation fix
    • MPPT battery monitor reliability improvements, enable/disable aux function and less spammy
    • Multiple USD-D1-CAN radar support
    • NMEA output rate configurable (see NMEA_RATE_MS)
    • NMEA output supports PASHR message (see NMEA_MSG_EN)
    • OSD supports average resting cell voltage (see OSD_ACRVOLT_xxx params)
    • Rockblock satellite modem support
    • Serial baud support for 2Mbps (only some hardware supports this speed)
    • Serial LEDs threading enhancement to support longer lengths without dshot interference
    • SF45b lidar filtering reduced (allows detecting smaller obstacles
    • SmartAudio 2.0 learns all VTX power levels)
    • UAVCAN ESCs report error count using ESC Telemetry
    • Unicore GPS (e.g. UM982) support
    • VectorNav 100 external AHRS support
    • 5 IMUs supported
  4. EKF related enhancements
    • Accel bias calculation fix and tuning for greater robustness
    • Airspeed sensor remains enabled during dead-reckoning (few copters have airspeed sensors)
    • Baro compensation using wind estimates works when climbing or descending (see BAROx_WCF_UP/DN)
    • External AHRS support for enabling only some sensors (e.g. IMU, Baro, Compass) see EAHRS_SENSORS
    • Magnetic field tables updated
    • Non-compass initial yaw alignment uses GPS course over GSF (mostly affects Planes and Rover)
    • Vertical velocity reset fixed on loss of GPS
    • Wind speed estimates updates reduced while dead-reckoning
  5. Control and navigation enhancements
    • JUMP_TAG mission item support
    • Missions can be stored on SD card (see BRD_SD_MISSION)
    • NAV_SCRIPT_TIME command accepts floating point arguments
    • Pause/Resume returns success if mission is already paused or resumed
  6. Plane specific changes
    • fixed cross-tracking in airbrake phase of landing
    • added quadplane landing abort with AUX switch
    • new ACRO_LOCKING=2 mode for quaternion locking with yaw rate controller
    • allow yaw rate autotune in modes other than AUTOTUNE
    • use a cone for QRTL climb close to home
    • added Y4 VTOL config for quadplanes
    • added throttle scaling for vectored yaw
    • added turn corrdination to yaw AUTOTUNE
    • added Q_OPTION for motor tilt when disarmed in fixed wing modes
    • fixed takeoff mode to ensure climb to takeoff alt before turning
    • fixed error in quadplane wait for rudder neutral
    • improved handling of forward throttle during VTOL landing
    • fixed TECS state reset in VTOL auto modes
    • fixed early exit from loiter to alt
    • fixed display of started airspeed wait on forward transition
    • fixed auto-enable of fence with forced arm
    • fixed reset of target altitude in plane GUIDED mode
  7. Filtering enhancements
    • FFT notch can be run based on filtered data
    • Warn of motor noise at RPM frequency using FFT
    • In-flight FFT can better track low frequency noise
    • In-flight FFT logging improved
    • IMU data can be read and replayed for FFT analysis
  8. Camera and gimbal enhancements
    • BMMCC support included in Servo driver
    • DJI RS2/RS3-Pro gimbal support
    • DO_SET_ROI_NONE command support
    • Dual camera support (see CAM2_TYPE)
    • Gimbal/Mount2 can be moved to retracted or neutral position
    • Gremsy ZIO support
    • Paramters renamed and rescaled
      • CAM_TRIGG_TYPE renamed to CAM1_TYPE and options have changed
      • CAM_DURATION renamed to CAM1_DURATION and scaled in seconds
      • CAM_MIN_INTERVAL renamed to CAM1_INTRVAL_MIN and scaled in seconds
      • CAM_TRIGG_DIST renamed to CAMx_TRIGG_DIST and accepts fractional values
    • RunCam2 4k support
    • ViewPro camera gimbal support
  9. Logging changes
    • LOG_DISARMED=3 logs while disarmed but discards log if never eventually armed
    • LOG_DARM_RATEMAX reduces logging while disarmed
    • MCU log msg includes main CPU temp and voltage (was part of POWR message)
    • RCOut banner message always included in Logs
    • SCR message includes memory usage of all running scripts
    • CANS message includes CAN bus tx/rx statistics
    • OFCA (optical flow calibration log message) units added
    • MOTB message includes throttle output
  10. Scripting enhancements
    • EFI Skypower driver gets improved telem messages and bug fixes
    • Generator throttle control example added
    • Heap max increased by allowing heap to be split across multiple underlying OS heaps
    • Hexsoon LEDs applet
    • Logging from scripts supports more formats
    • Parameters can be removed or reordered
    • Parameter description support (scripts must be in AP’s applet or driver directory)
    • Rangefinder driver support
    • Runcam_on_arm applet starts recording when vehicle is armed
    • Safety switch, E-Stop and motor interlock support
    • Scripts can restart all scripts
    • Script_Controller applet supports inflight switching of active scripts
    • Scripts may take action based on VTOL motor loss
  11. Custom build server enhancements
    • AIS support for displaying nearby boats can be included
    • Battery, Camera and Compass drivers can be included/excluded
    • EKF3 wind estimation can be included/excluded
    • PCA9685, ToshibaLED, PLAY_TUNE notify drivers can be included/excluded
    • Preclanding can be included/excluded
    • RichenPower generator can be included/excluded
    • RC SRXL protocol can be excluded
    • SIRF GPSs can be included/excluded
  12. Safety related enhancements and fixes
    • Arming check fix if both “All” and other bitmasks are selected (previously only ran the other checks)
    • “EK3 sources require RangeFinder” pre-arm check fix when user only sets up 2nd rangefinder (e.g. 1st is disabled)
    • GPS pre-arm failure message clarified
    • Pre-arm check that low and critical battery failsafe thresholds are different
    • Pre-arm message fixed if 2nd EKF core unhealthy
    • Pre-arm check if reboot required to enabled IMU batch sampling (used for vibe analysis)
    • RC failsafe (aka throttle failsafe) option to change to Brake mode
    • RC failsafe timeout configurable (see RC_FS_TIMEOUT)
  13. Minor enhancements
    • Boot time reduced by improving parameter conversion efficiency
    • BRD_SAFETYENABLE parameter renamed to BRD_SAFETY_DEFLT
    • Compass calibration auxiliary switch function (set RCx_OPTION=171)
    • Disable IMU3 auxiliary switch function (set RCx_OPTION=110)
    • Rangefinder and FS_OPTIONS param conversion code reduced (affects when upgrading from 3.6 or earlier)
    • MAVFTP supports file renaming
    • MAVLink in-progress reply to some requests for calibration from GCS
  14. Bug fixes:
    • ADSB telemetry and callsign fixes
    • Battery pct reported to GCS limited to 0% to 100% range
    • Bi-directional DShot fix on H7 boards after system time wrap (more complete fix than in 4.3.6)
    • BLHeli returns battery status requested via MSP
    • BRD_SAFETYOPTION parameter documentation fix (ActiveForSafetyEnable and Disable were reversed)
    • Compassmot fix to protect against bad gyro biases from GSF yaw
    • CRSFv3 rescans at baudrates to avoid RX loss
    • DisplayPort OSD screen reliability improvement on heavily loaded OSDs especially F4 boards
    • DisplayPort OSD artificial horizon better matches actual horizon
    • DroneCAN airspeed sensor fix to handle missing packets
    • DroneCAN GPS RTK injection fix
    • EFI Serial MS bug fix to avoid possible infinite loop
    • EKF3 Replay fix when COMPASS_LEARN=3
    • EKF allocation failure handled to avoid watchdog
    • ESC Telemetry external temp reporting fix
    • Hardfault avoided if user changes INS_LOG_BAT_CNT while batch sampling running
    • Ublox M10S GPS auto configuration fixed
    • ICM20649 temp sensor tolerate increased to avoid unnecessary FIFO reset
    • IMU detection bug fix to avoid duplicates
    • IMU temp cal fix when using auxiliary IMU
    • Notch filter gyro glitch caused by race condition fixed
    • RADIO_STATUS messages slow-down feature never completely stops messages from being sent
    • SERVOx_TRIM value output momentarily if SERVOx_FUNCTION is changed from Disabled to RCPassThru, RCIN1, etc. Avoids momentary divide-by-zero
    • Serial passthrough fixed
    • Scripting file system open fix
    • Scripting PWM source deletion crash fix
    • SBF GPS ellipsoid height fixed
    • MAVFTP fix for low baudrates (4800 baud and lower)
    • ModalAI VOXL reset handling fix
    • MPU6500 IMU fast sampling rate to 4k (was 1K)
    • NMEA GPGGA output fixed for GPS quality, num sats and hdop
    • Position control reset avoided even with very uneven main loop rate due to high CPU load
    • Siyi A8/ZR10 driver fix to avoid crash if serial port not configured
    • SystemID mode fix to write PID log messages
    • Terrain offset increased from 15m to 30m (see TERRAIN_OFS_MAX)to reduce chance of “clamping”
    • Throttle notch FFT tuning param fix
    • VTX protects against pitmode changes when not enabled or vehicle disarmed
  15. Developer specific items
    • DroneCAN replaces UAVCAN
    • FlighAxis simulator rangefinder fixed
    • Scripts in applet and drivers directory checked using linter
    • Simulator supports main loop timing jitter (see SIM_TIME_JITTER)
    • Simulink model and init scripts
    • SITL on hardware support (useful to demo servos moving in response to simulated flight)
    • SITL parameter definitions added (some, not all)
    • Webots 2023a simulator support
    • XPlane support for wider range of aircraft

Hello, I want to ask you about my temp sensor MAX31865 with PT100. I’ve connected it to mission planner but don’t know where to find the temp data returned from the temp sensor. How do I know my temp sensor is working well or not?

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@nightnightBoston you need to set TEMP1_TYPE=3 and then set TEMP1_BUS and TEMP1_ADDR to the I2C bus and address of your sensor. Then set TEMP1_LOG=1 to enable logging.
Then you need to set a TEMP1_SRC to say what this is the temperature of, for it to update that subsystem (eg. ESC, battery etc).
ping @MagicRuB who added support for temperature sensors and may be able to help

In the video the 4.4.0beta4. But work just as well with the 4.4.0beta5 (=4.4 stable) tested yesterday.
On this occasion thanks to all developers for the new version.


The BRD_SD_MISSION parameter does not appear in the Ardupilot v4.4.0 (stable) version of Mateksys F765-Wing

Can confirm this:
Screenshot 2023-08-19 165037


Are the Himark CAN servos supported in this version?

sorry, that feature is only enabled on boards with 1M of ram, and the F765 has 512k of ram. We could change that if there is interest and make the threshold 512k, or we could make it a feature that is selectable via the custom build server at
the reason for the check is the sdcard mission needs to be mirrored in ram


I’ve opened a PR to make sdcard mission selectable via the custom build server for any board

we can add this to 4.4.1

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no. We could backport it in a future 4.4.x release if there is interest
even better would be to convince himark to support the standard DroneCAN messages

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Thank you for your reply!

Woo team you have been busy thank you just in time for an new planes maiden Monday :grinning:

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In v4.4.0-beta1 it was mentioned added TKOFF_GND_PITCH for taildragger takeoff. In v4.4.0 stable it is not mentioned.

Is the function maintained?

In the documentation I’ve read it seems to be useful for nose-wheel models, although in beta1 it was talking about taildraggers. Can you provide some information?

yes, I just made a mistake in editing the final release notes. All features from the 4.4.0-beta series are maintained in the final release, including TKOFF_GND_PITCH.

Thank you for the quick response.

And as always I can never thank you enough for all the work done by all the Ardupilot developers.

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I think your list is missing support for the addition of C-RTK2 HP. It not only contains Unicore GPS, but also has some special configurations, such as: support

the list is for additions to ArduPilot plane 4.4. The C-RTK2-HP was released as part of AP_Periph stable (currently version 1.5.1) which is a separate release. It works with any ArduPilot version that supports a DroneCAN GPS (which means it works with any plane firmware from 3.9.x and later)

Thanks for Update. It woul be verry nice if someone could repair “Translate arrows” for using DJI-O3.
It worked some stabels back if this future was includet, and after update no longer working.


I tried SITL simulation with Xplane 11 but I could not play the simulation because aircraft’s aileron/rudder/elevator were set all the way to the left and up when Xplane and MissionPlanner are connected.
It had been possible to simulate when I used the ArduPlane V4.3.8, so I suspect there is some bug in the ArduPlane V4.4.0. Does anyone have same problem?