Pixracer with minimosd micro No data!

I’ve tried with a WiFi telemetry on the Pixracer, didn’t worked. I did try on a Pixhawk. I reset it before to default parameters, all SR2 values were set to zero. I switched off the Pixhawk, connected the WiFi telemetry module, reboot and was able to connect via WiFi. Then I looked at the SR2 parameters (connected it to telem2) and they were automatically feeded! So I tried to put all SR2 parameters to zero on Pixracer, but it didn’t worked…

Here’s my 2 cents… there is a misleading definition in the ports assignation on PixRacer, please confirm that you are connecting to the ‘‘good’’ ports

yes, I confirm, connected on serial 2 telemetry 2

Do you have a FTDI USB-Serial converter - or an Arduino handy ?
It could be helpfull to read both Serial 1 & 2 to check if data is outputting
@ 57600 you will see some messages through the garbage

have the FTDI to usb, will just have to launch Arduino on my PC and open the serial console? Or do I have to load a specific sketch?

No just open the serial monitor and set speed @57600 (or whatever speed you have set on SERIAL within Mission Planner)?

OK, will try, just confirm SR2 parameters:
SERIAL2_BAUD, 57 (telemetry output at 57600)
SR2_EXT_STAT, 2 ( 2hz for waypoints, GPS raw, fence data, current waypoint, etc)
SR2_EXTRA1, 5 ( 5hz for attitude and simulation state)
SR2_EXTRA2, 2 ( 2hz for VFR_Hud data )
SR2_EXTRA3, 3 ( 3hz for AHRS, Hardware Status, Wind )
SR2_POSITION, 2 ( 2hz for location data )
SR2_RAW_SENS, 2 ( 2hz for raw imu sensor data )
SR2_RC_CHAN, 5 ( 5hz for radio input or radio output data )

These are the parameters to check
SERIAL2_PROTOCOL: Telemetry 2 protocol selection
Control what protocol to use on the Telem2 port. Note that the Frsky options require external converter hardware. See the wiki for details.

Values RebootRequired
Value Meaning
-1 None
1 MAVLink1
2 MAVLink2
3 Frsky D
4 Frsky SPort
7 Alexmos Gimbal Serial
8 SToRM32 Gimbal Serial
9 Lidar
10 FrSky SPort Passthrough (OpenTX)
11 Lidar360
12 Aerotenna uLanding
13 Beacon
14 Volz servo out
15 SBus servo out
SERIAL2_BAUD: Telemetry 2 Baud Rate
The baud rate of the Telem2 port. The APM2 can support all baudrates up to 115, and also can support 500. The PX4 can support rates of up to 1500. If you setup a rate you cannot support on APM2 and then can’t connect to your board you should load a firmware from a different vehicle type. That will reset all your parameters to defaults.

Value Meaning
1 1200
2 2400
4 4800
9 9600
19 19200
38 38400
57 57600
111 111100
115 115200
500 500000
921 921600
1500 1500000

The SR2_ stuff is irrelevant for setting up the SERIAL

yes, these are the values I have. But do not understand with SR2, I have to set up them, like seen in MWOSD wiki, no? Anyway, I did the FTDI reading, see pict, nothing readable, and datas are coming even when telem2 is disconnected…
cannot upload a pict with the phone…

I really need to see a picture of your test setup… I don understand why you get data if telem2 is disconnected… unless you have floating ground ?

Sorry, I was monitoring the Pixracer, because I powered it with the other usb. Now I selected Arduino Pro mini, I thing this is the hardware for FTDI232, but I read nothing. nothing nothing…

maybe not possible to use at the same time
frsky, Wi-Fi esp8266 and OSD telemetry on a Pixracer ???

Ok you confirm PxRacer TX to FTDI RX and GND to GND ?
Try TELEMTRY 1 as well and in case of doubt you can set and try SERIAL3 (GPS port)

This should look like this

ok, I’ve got nothing from Telemetry2 and same thing as you with Telemetry 1

But I get this result connecting the second pin from left (see pict) which is RX connected to RX of FTDI.

So, the Pixracer pin Scheme is wrong, or my FTDI pin is wrong too… Tomorrow will try to use the RX instead of the TX on Telemetry 1 to connect OSD… good night. Chris

Well, you are looking on the cable connector pin-out (and to make things worse , the connector is showed upside-down !!) , you should generally refer to the FC connector. Anyway I think you are on the right track and now you have tool to ‘‘see’’ whats going on :wink:

ok, what I did: saved all my parameters, reset the FC, read TX with FTDI from telem1, get exactly same results as you (sometimes readable human language displayed), but nothing from telem2. So after setting up the SR1 data, I was able to connect successfully my minimosd micro, and it worked. But I have to say, all other devices are yet not configured, like frsky, range sensors… So 2 options, continue from scratch or load the saved config file and try to understand the difference… But anyway, is my telem2 definitively dead? Can I do something to repair? Any last recommendation? if you want my last saved not working configuration, just ask!

Anyway, thanks very much for support!