Pixhawk2 bad switch

I’m really very disappointed and have sent you the Video link you can see with your own eyes the board not booting up.

I found out why the board would not boot the safety switch was wired wrong again and shorted out the led power to the 3.3VVC pin so it would not boot.

Once I rewired it the to the correct pins it will now boot and the Safety switch now works as it should but you can’t calibrate the RC Transmitter.

The compasses and accels are fine and calibrate no problems but the short circuit must have damaged the input from the RC in put channels as the controller cannot see my transmitter inputs and I’ve tried two receivers and checked all my TARNIS 9E inputs and outputs they are correct and work on my other Pixhawk so I know the Sbus output is correct and working. The Calibration comes up bad channel one input and that’s that nothing from that point.

I’m very disappointed this has happened again what am supposed to do when the wiring harnesses are soldered to the wrong pins on two separate safety switches that I have now had to correctly wirevand I have no idea what other damage has been caused to the board other than having no RC input from the

A post was merged into an existing topic: Pixhawk 2 Shipped with bad safety switch twice