Pixhawk Yaw on takeoff

Obviously you are not using he same version as I posted a screen shot… From the Help screen click the “check for Beta updates” and wait for it to install.

My experience is trying to get the excitation as low as possible. You can see it fly for 2 seconds but you will spend 2 days/weeks/months for fixing it. Follow the instruction in #2 post and start slow!

Thanks to both of you. As you mentioned I will start slowly from first as per the instructions, and come back to you with a positive update. FYI, Im grade 8 kid having lot of interest in drone building. :+1:

I’m wondering how you came up with some of those parameters you have set? You have EK2 and EK3 enabled. This isn’t typical. It looks like you made some PID changes. Why when it wasn’t even flying? As @bigboy061293 pointed out your Log Bitmask is odd. Do you have a GPS module?

I am afraid that he can not understand these parameters and things you have mentioned because the motor setting was not successful at the first step.
I guess PIDs and some settings from this pixhawk were done by previous users - I mean the board is not fully fresh.

If that’s the case it should be reset to default and start over. There are parameters set that are incorrect for this craft. It would be a further waste of time to continue with the parameters set as they are.

What type of esc did you select?

On those outputs you can select normal esc or oneshot esc. If you have selected esc Dshot you are wrong

To select the Dshot of switching outputs, you must use the auxiliary outputs, they are those numbered from 1 to 6 (aux output) but you can only use the outputs from 1 to 4 and of course assign the motors command to those outputs. It is much easier if you use the Main Outputs for the motors by selecting Oneshot125

The 1st post describes that and has a flight log the parameter file can be extracted from to see the settings. His problem was the most basic of setup issues coupled with either randomly selected parameters changes or present from another use of the Flight Controller.

Nothing really to see here.

Hello guys, I have Started from scratch again after reset and this time instead of Mission Planner I used QGroundControl and now it works perfectly. Thank you all for trying to help me and for all of your support.