Pixhawk won't arm. Quadcopter Issue

Hey guys, I’m currently working with a Pixhawk 2.4.8 and I am having some issues with arming the quad before flight. Right now the Pixhawk signals a blinking blue light after arming the safety switch, indicating that there is no GPS lock. If I take the quad outdoors and look into mission planner I can see that I have a GPS lock, however the Pixhawk is still blinking a blue light and won’t arm. I feel like this is an easy fix, but I’m still new when it comes to Pixhawks and could use any advice I could get. If you need me to post any pictures or logs just ask and I will.


HDOP has to go down to 1.0 or lower before GPS is good enough for a green light
Otherwise set Log disarmed parameter and include the .bin log file