This issue has nothing to do with Mission Planner. Please move your question to the appropriate topic (Hardware/Radios), where those who can answer it will notify.
A detailed wiring description will also help (first I would check TX/RX line swap) Plus will try with SERIAL_OPTIONS 0, since most likely the inverter and pullups are already implemented in the receiver.
I have configured firmware serial2_options 0.
I tried to exchange the tx / rx lines.
It does not work,
The transmitter don’t discover sensors, I follow the manual, leaving the sensor search active and displaying the yaapu page.
I have the same problem now,
Four weeks ago I had it working , but with a previous version of Mission Planer, Arduplane 3.9.9 firmware and the yaapu script version 1.7.x .
Now the new 1.8 version and the copter ( heli) firmware 4.0 does not work together anymore
Sorry, tomorrow I must search for the correct version of this script . …a little too late now
Edit: the controller is a RL Mini Pix V1.0. …receiver a Jumper R8 ( both serial ports don´t have an inverter, just for your info)
Edit:2 Got it. Just had to disable rts/cts…everything else was ok ( 57600/ 10)
Belief me or not, I had it running this night, but this morning, I would just test my 4in1 which had not worked with this telemetry and it did not. So I bound the receiver again to my internal XJT (QX7) and even this does not work again…F…
OTX 2.3.5 , Yaapu 1.8 , Arducopter 4.00
I didn´t change anything on setup since this occurred again. Now I am on Arducopter 4.0.1 and start again to investigate and try to reduce the points which could be responsible for this problem.
A picture from tonight…
Issue solved!
The newer firmware seems to have a hotfix for the false imprint on top of the box for the serial ports…port 1 on top is port2 on the pcb…etc.
Since long I had this corrected with stickers…;-)…but now my stickers are wrong. Shit happens.