Pixhawk Turning Parameters

Hello Everyone! Long time lurker, but finally made an account and my first post :smiley:

I am using a pixhawk on a skywalker 1900 running 4s and am having a little bit of trouble running missions with tight turns. I have tuned the plane, and it flies really well in stabilize, but is very “lazy” in the turns.

What I mean is that it hardly every will hit the waypoints when I am using autogrid type missions. Is there a parameter I can change to make it do much more aggressive turns? Right now I can manually fly it in a very small space, but it makes huge turns during mission mode.

Any help is appreciated!



Have you consulted the ArduPlane Wiki http://plane.ardupilot.com/wiki/common-appendix/common-table-of-contents/
Especially here http://plane.ardupilot.com/wiki/flying/tuning/

If you’ve already done the TECs tuning and properly set the max roll angle, you may need to increase your cruise speed a bit.

The stall prevention code will limit bank angles if you’re flying too close to the FBW_Min speed.

I appreciate the quick responses! I had tuned before, but will review and retune. I will update you on my progress!

