I can’t get telemetry to work, please help!
Mysetup is:
Pixhawk 2.4.8 with STM32F427VIT6 Rev 3 (2Mb) running Copter V4.5.0-beta2 (FMUv3 firmware)
This Yaapu inverter
Taranis X9 Lite S transmitter running EdgeTX 2.9.4
FrSky R-XSR receiver with ACCESS firmware 2.1.8 configured for S.PORT (also tried F.PORT and FBUS configs, no luck)
Also tried flashing D16 (V2.1.0) and D16_FPORT (v2.1.1) nothing
Also tried with an SR8 receiver, same results
This is how I connected the inverter:
I tried everything in the serial port configuration in Mission Planner (normal, inverted, pullups, change of baud rate, etc…)
I even enabled FrSky passthrough in all unused ports (in case my port numbering was wrong, but I know it’s PORT1 because Mavlink2 works there)
I also plugged the inverter in the other ports (2 and 4)
but no matter what I do I can’t get any data from the Pixhawk
Yaapu debug and YaapuCRSF report 0 in all lines
yaapu7 script (installed in screen1) runs but it only displays “no telemetry”
The SBUS signal is ok because I can calibrate the radio in Mission Planner.
The S.Port connector is ok because I can get telemetry from an FrSky GPS ADV connected to the same port
Pixhawk’s Serial 1 is ok because I was able to connect Mavlink2 to Mission Planner and it works…
- What is the correct baud rate for S.SBUS (or F.BUS or whatever works) telemetry? I’m using 57600
- Should I invert anything? (I guess not or I wouldn’t need the inverter)
- Should I enable any pullups or pulldowns?
- Is that the correct FrSky protocol (using 10) in Mission Planner (also tried another FrSky option in the pulldown)
Please help! Any tips will be appreciated!