Pixhawk serial port config question

Help, I’ve run out of serial ports!

I’m using;

Serial 0 = USB
Serial 1 = MAvlink Telemetry (to bluetooth or 433mhz depending)
Serial 2 = Frsky Telemetry (goes to Taranis)
Serial 3 = default GPS no.1
Serial 4 = Secondary backup GPS no.2

And as far as the mission planner ground control software is concerned that’s all i get to configure.

According to this page and the marking on my pixhawk;

copter.ardupilot.com/wiki/common … -overview/

There is a 5 serial port that shares a plug with serial port no. 4. How do i configure and make use of this port? I want to add in a serial based brushless gimbal and I’d rather not have to fly without the secondary GPS if possible.

Don’t know why you need two GPS devices. This is currently not recommended and can cause the copter to crash.
Ports 4 and 5 share a plug so you will need to use a splitter cable to make it work.
