Pixhawk power UBEC(?) 6S attopilot 180


I’m a little bit confused over how to power up my pixhawk when using attopilot 180A.
The wiki schematics http://copter.ardupilot.com/wiki/common-using-a-current-sensor/#Connection_to_Pixhawk doesn’t really tell where the power should come from.

My configuration will be 2 parallel 6S lipo and the max amp from the motors can be (will hardly ever happen) 102 amp.

Let’s say I will take the power from an UBEC for my pixhawk what should I do with the ground cable from from the UBEC since I already have one ground cable form the 180A attopilot running to the pixhawk power port?

Or is there any other preferable solution that I haven’t thought of?

I’m lost and will appreciate any help. Thanks in advance!


I can’t imagine that there is no one out there how knows how this should be done… Come on share som light please. To this date there is no complete information out ther on how this should be done. UBEC? Where should it be connected?


I’m a little bit confused over how to power up my pixhawk when using attopilot 180A.
The wiki schematics http://copter.ardupilot.com/wiki/common-using-a-current-sensor/#Connection_to_Pixhawk doesn’t really tell where the power should come from.

My configuration will be 2 parallel 6S lipo and the max amp from the motors can be (will hardly ever happen) 102 amp.

Let’s say I will take the power from an UBEC for my pixhawk what should I do with the ground cable from from the UBEC since I already have one ground cable form the 180A attopilot running to the pixhawk power port?

Or is there any other preferable solution that I haven’t thought of?

I’m lost and will appreciate any help. Thanks in advance![/quote]

i know i’m new here but i have a lot of experience wiring apm hardware up. if you look at the schematics pin 1 and 2 are connected, as is 5 and 6.

Pin Signal Volt
1 (red) VCC +5V
2 (blk) VCC +5V
3 (blk) CURRENT +3.3V
4 (blk) VOLTAGE +3.3V
5 (blk) GND GND
6 (blk) GND GND

in your situation, if you wish to power pixhawk from the power connector, all you will need to do is connect pin #1 or #2 to the red wire of your bec. you can optionally connect pin #6 to the black wire of your bec, but it isn’t necessary.

Another option is to power pixhawk from the servo rail. This requires a zener diode though.

Check out the section 'Connect RC inputs’
copter.ardupilot.com/wiki/common … ick-start/