Ok, have determined to give up on this pixhawk. No matter what I do nothing is working. I do thank those kind enough to respond and try to help, it is much appreciated.
Update: after screwing with this pic I decided to get rid of it. I have another (new clone) coming in hopefully Tomorrow. Now, that being said, and me being dumbass when it comes to Pix hawk, provided I go through the steps and all goes right () I am left with a couple questions concerning the AUX outputs. I’m using SBUS from an X8R, and just need to control two items from the Pix, one, a set of retracts, two, pan and tilt from a gimbal. After making the switches in my taranis do thier thing, how (in easy, idiot term) do I go through the Pix to allow this? I have read many just use thier channels on the X8R. But I do not want to risk a brownout in flight. I have a second BEC for the AUX outputs. Am I headed in the right direction?