Pixhawk low altitude limit


Looking forward to do some experiments at low altitude using Pixhawk on my quadcopter. I basically want to fly at 5 -8 meter altitude and then make a rectangle waypoints for auto mode. This square too will be sizing around 8meter x 5 meter.

How possible is it to go for this short distance waypoint at this much less altitude?
What are all the settings required to be done to experiment this successfully?
What I feel is, the waypoint radius should be kept as small as possible. What you guys say?

Thanks for taking time out to suggest things over here.

i think you need to enabled PX4 Flow if you have the hardware.

if you dont have, you need some optical flow camera or you can use LiDar.

with that hardware it should give you more stability for hovering over the ground.

Thank you for this.

I have got something new to new about this product. I will go through it in detail and see if it has solved my requirements.

Thank you again.

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