Pixhawk loiter mode drift position after FF

Hi guys, hope someone can point me about that.

Hovering in calm day it does fine but If I pust FF or any direction and want just to stop centering the stick only it stabilizes but drifts 15-20 meters before stopping the copter. It doesnt brake at the point I centered the stick like i.e. DJI WKM or A2 (they required a couple of meter at max to stop the copter). I´m using the latest arducopter firm and remember on my first trial on a 3.1 firm I saw the copter pushing braks for a very short time and stabilizing just after that, may be not enough brake as the copter drifted too may be 10 meters due to the inertia but better tan right now. Have completely no idea about which parameter/s takes care of this behavior and should be tweaked to increase the automatic response to hold the position after the fast speed flight.

PD: NEO8 GPS with 10 sat and 0.8 to 1 HDOP. All vibrations below recomended values, compass calibration both normal and with THR passed, no trim needed, autotune done. Tested platform is a simple F450 3S with original DJI engines and ESCs. 10x5 airscrews and no payload so it is a low mass unit currently with the last arducopter firm.

Tried today to play with few values to see what happens.

WPNAV LOIT MINA it is supposed to be the one that takes care alone or whit the WPNAV LOIT MAXA of this behaviour but beyond that LOITMINA one shows a faster reaction in ALTHOLD mode so long as the value increases (Tested from 25 to 40) but can´t feel any apreciable change in LOITER. LOIT MAXA slows the general stick reaction as the value increases (tested up to 2000). As this value is related to the WPNAV LOIT SPEED setled at 1/2 of the speed it should work also over this 1/2 trying to increase the brake efect when the sitcks are centered after a FF flight ( in this case the centered stick work like a woypont it has arrived to).

Tested WPNAW LOIT JERK up to its max of 2000 but cant feel any difference from 1000 value it comes with as starting point.

It is possible this is the way the pixhawk is supposed to work and I´m looking for an impossible thing but if no one tells me opposite I will follow with my tests.

In any way if someone can point me to a certain parameter that must be tweaked wll be glad to Heard about it.
Thanks in advance and have a nice day