Pixhawk - HoTT Telemety Support

Does not work the HoTT telemetry support?

I tried to reproduce this, but I get the following error:

nsh: hott_telemetry: command not found

[code] nsh> reboot
[boot] Initialized SPI port 1 (SENSORS)
[boot] Initialized SPI port 2 (RAMTRON FRAM)
[boot] Initialized SPI port 4
[boot] Initialized SDIO
[rgbled] on I2C bus 2 at 0x55 (bus: 100 KHz, max: 100 KHz)
[init] looking for microSD…
[init] card mounted at /fs/microsd
sercon: Registering CDC/ACM serial driver
sercon: Successfully registered the CDC/ACM serial driver
[init] USB interface connected
Running rc.APM
Mounting binfs
binfs mounted OK
nsh: rm: unlink failed: No such file or directory
Detected FMUv2 board
uorb started OK
Trying PX4IO board
[px4io] default PWM output device
PX4IO board OK
[PX4IO:] CRCs match
set_pwm_rate 0 50 50
[fmuservo] starting
adjusted actuator update interval to 20ms
Set FMU mode_pwm4
Starting APM sensors
[MS5611_SPI] on SPI bus 4 at 2 (11000 KHz)
ms5611: no device on bus 4
[MS5611_SPI] on SPI bus 1 at 3 (11000 KHz)
ms5611: no device on bus 1
ms5611: no device on bus 2
ms5611 started OK
init done
adc started OK
Starting FMUv2 sensors
hmc5883: no device on bus 2
hmc5883: driver start failed
No external hmc5883
hmc5883: no device on bus 1
hmc5883: driver start failed
No internal hmc5883
mpu6000: driver start failed
No MPU6000 external
[MPU6000] on SPI bus 1 at 4 (1000 KHz)
Found MPU6000
[L3GD20] on SPI bus 1 at 1 (11000 KHz)
l3gd20 started OK
[LSM303D] on SPI bus 1 at 2 (11000 KHz)
lsm303d started OK
ets_airspeed: no ETS airspeed sensor connected
meas_airspeed: no MS4525 airspeed sensor connected
ll40ls: driver start failed
ll40ls: driver start failed
trone: driver start failed
mb12xx: driver start failed
px4flow: driver start failed
started pwm_input driver
Trying PX4IO board
started mtd driver OK
reading /fs/mtd expecting 16384 bytes
readtest OK
mtd readtest OK
uavcan: Node ID 1, bitrate 1000000
uavcan: SW version vcs_commit: 0x00000000
uavcan: sensor bridge ‘gnss’ init ok
uavcan: sensor bridge ‘mag’ init ok
uavcan: sensor bridge ‘baro’ init ok
started uavcan OK
[batt_smbus] on I2C bus 2 at 0x0b (bus: 100 KHz, max: 100 KHz)
Found batt_smbus
[oreoled] on I2C bus 2 at 0x68 (bus: 100 KHz, max: 100 KHz)
oreoled started OK
rwtest /fs/mtd testing 16384 bytes
rwtest OK
mtd rwtest OK
Starting ArduPilot /dev/ttyACM0 /dev/ttyS1 /dev/ttyS2
Starting ArduPlane uartA=/dev/ttyACM0 uartC=/dev/ttyS1 uartD=/dev/ttyS2 uartE=/d ev/ttyS6
initialised /dev/ttyS3 OK 1024 512
initialised /dev/ttyS1 OK 1024 512
initialised /dev/ttyS2 OK 1024 512
initialised /dev/ttyS6 OK 1024 512
ArduPilot started OK
rc.APM finished

    NuttShell (NSH)
    nsh> [px4io] mixer sent
    <fmuservo> MODE_4PWM
    <fmuservo> set_pwm_rate 0 50 50
    disabling flow control on /dev/ttyS1 _total_written=512
    disabling flow control on /dev/ttyS2 _total_written=512
    initialised /dev/ttyACM0 OK 4096 1024
    hpwork: did not find smart battery
    hpwork: did not find oreoled

    nsh> hott_telemetry start
    nsh: hott_telemetry: command not found


Andruplane 3.3.0

I don’t think it ever worked as intended - this is the only way to get HoTT I know about madhacker.org/mavlink-to-hott-adapter/’

Hello Andre.
Works of the Code with the current receiver / transmitter firmware?
It should have been many changes at Hot protocol.

yes, it works perfectly :slight_smile:

I can confirm, the device works perfectly. Thanks André for it!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I had the same missunderstanding:
https://pixhawk.org/peripherals/telemetry/hott … works only on pixhawk firmware from pixhawk.org - I never tried it.

Usually the APM Firmware is running on Pixhawk hardware then it is installed via mission planner.

A implementation of Hott support was made there: https://github.com/uwerod/ardupilot_with_Hott, but I suppose, this this approach in not supported in newer releases.

I had Hott telemetry running on APM hardware with firmware 2.8 (or 3.0) running (from another hott telemetry approach) and it worked perfect.

For experienced developers it would be easy to import this project: https://github.com/3yc/hott-for-ardupilot/tree/master/PX4.