A little background.
This flyaway occurred on a dji s900 setup with an authentic Pixhawk fc, dji hardware, and an ImmersionRX Ezuhf diversity receiver. I’ve flown this setup countless times in loiter, auto, and stabilized flight modes without problem. My transmitter is a Taranis Plus with ImmersionRC EzUhf transmitter module. I always fly with missionPlanner open and connected on a ground station laptop and have had success with using that radio connection for flight mode changing / auto mission waypoint selection.
Log and kmz files here and at bottom of document.
Now for the flyaway. Here is a short video clip from partway through the flyaway. The Diversity monitor I was using at the time of the flight didn’t have a DVR so the only dvr I have is when it was already out of sight and I grabbed my FPV goggles and started recording with its DVR. The craft was on an auto mission (~200 meters away) when it suddenly tipped forward and to the right and then started acting very weird (while in auto ie shouldnt have been happening). I immediately switched to loiter which gave limmited control and I tried to bring it back to me. It still wasn’t responding correctly though and so I switched to stabilized mode which still yielded little to no control. The craft wasn’t losing altitude, just not responding correctly to my commands. At this point it had come back and was only about 100 meters away from me at about 200 feet altitude. At this point I could see from its FPV feed, from a hard mounted FPV cam, that my attempts to yaw or roll the craft with my transmitter in all flight modes were not having any effect on it. As the radio was having no control of the aircraft I tried switching the craft to guided mode and flying home via my groundstation laptop with no success. I then tried switching the mode to RTH from the ground station with still no success despite the ground station receiving full telemetry of the aircraft. At this point I switched to failsafe mode on my transmitter, but the craft continued to switch itself back and forth between loiter and stabilized mode rapidly. It passed me at this point in the opposite direction of its auto mission and then seemed to get stuck in stabilized mode and started flying full throttle away at a 24 degree heading (I’ve had the transmitter in RTH mode for a while now). It ended up flying full throttle for about 12 minutes before coming down about 3 miles away. I have looked at the logs in mission planner etc and can’t figure out what exactly happened. It would seem that the pixhawk had some sort of signal loss from the receiver, and that it didn’t switch to failsafe (RTH) when it lost said signal.
Any advice or insight on the cause of such a flyaway would be great!
40.BIN.zip (4.3 MB)