Pixhawk Dragonlink

I was trying to set up my pixhawk with the DL system and i noticed that all the channels were reversed… After a while I managed to reverse the channels on Mission Planner. After a few test indoors everything seemed to work fine. Today i went out for a flight and after 10 secs of flying i lost control completely. It looks like for some reason in middle flight the channels went to normal, and since I had them reversed on Mission Planner, i crashed.
Please see attached the log file.
Any ideas?
Please help!!!

you had a GPS failure when you switched into Loiter.

What do you mean by reversed channels ?

The log looks good. No reversed channels.

The problem here is you took off in Loiter mode. The flight controller was in control of a lot of things here so can’t see what you were doing.

Roll and Pitch were all flat so I don’t know you had any control over the copter.

Also the radio calibration was off for RC3(Throttle). It shows 1500 for trim when it should be 980 or so.

I would do a radio calibration and then do another test flight in Stabilize mode so we can see what is what.


[quote=“iseries”]The log looks good. No reversed channels.

The problem here is you took off in Loiter mode. The flight controller was in control of a lot of things here so can’t see what you were doing.

Roll and Pitch were all flat so I don’t know you had any control over the copter.

Also the radio calibration was off for RC3(Throttle). It shows 1500 for trim when it should be 980 or so.

I would do a radio calibration and then do another test flight in Stabilize mode so we can see what is what.


Thanks for the answers guys.
I did a calibration again and another test without the props to see how the motors react. I noticed that when i switched to Loiter, Althold I loose completely control of my right stick…

What I mean with reversed channels is that when I first connected the dragonlink, the channels were reversed. I had to go to mission planner and reverse the channels so i would have a correct behavior.

There is one detail i noticed as well. Every time I start mission planner and go to radio calibration, the bars show inverted… After a few minutes they change back to normal. Please what other information would you need to help me out.
Thanks and I really appreciate your help and time.

Let’s be more specific. Please post your complete setup, which DL TX and RX and FC.

You don’t need to reverse anything in FC. What I know for example is that in DL RX 12Ch V2 the labeling is reversed such as Servo Out 8 is 1 and vice-versa etc…

This is my set up:
Pixhawk FC
3DR GPS, telemetry, OSD
Spektrum DX8 radio
Dragon Link V2 UHF Complete System.

When I did all the steps to bind the Spektrum / DL receiver, I had to change some channels:
CH 1=CH2
then I noticed that the pitch, yaw and roll were reversed. Anytime I wanted to go forward I went back, command to the left and actually going to the right, and so on…
I was only able to reverse the channels in Mission Planner since it would not allow me to do it in GUI or Spektrum. A few tests on the ground without the props and it looked fine.
One detail that I am not too sure it’s important but every time I launch MP, on Radio Calibration the green bars show inverted, if I go to and arm the copter, on radio calibration the green bars show normal.
Also when I change modes to Loiter or ALThold i don’t have any response on the right stick, pitch, roll.

Please see attached the screen shots. I hope somebody will have an idea of what I am doing wrong. Please let me know if more info is needed.

This is possible since the configuration information is on the Flight Controller and Mission Planner takes a little bit to read all the parameter in. Until then it uses the defaults.

When I remapped my channels I notice it was wrong and then later is was corrected.


Anyone…? Please…?

You need to do another test flight with the copter in Stabilize mode so we can see what it is doing and what you are doing. Then post the log from the copter.
