Pixhawk: DIY foam replacements

I found a store cosmetic strolling with my partner of disk makeup sint made ​​in a very similar matter to the foam supplied with the pixhawk. the chain store call “KIKO make up milano”


I’m following you. :sunglasses:

I found a foam square from Wjcon (franchising store like Kiko, in the picture at right) is softer than the square of Kiko (on picture at left)

I saw that round you’ve shown in the video, (in the photo above) it might work in a double layer.

tomorrow I will start tests.

Ciao - Giuseppe

[color=#00BF00]Split off from main support thread.[/color]

ready to fly !!!

My configuration:
APM 2.6 + ublox and compass, Hexa clone Mikrokopter, MK3638, Esc40a SimonK, props APC 12x3.8
Double battery 4s 4000mA
total weight (with battery): 2,600Kg
Fly on moderate / strong wind:
My accZ-Y-X graph:

here a piece of video of the tests made ​​with round Kiko foam on my configuration:


Ciao - Giuseppe

today new test with this chosmetic product from Wjcon (franchising like Kiko)


here graph test no payload (wjcon)
here grah test no payload (kiko)

here graph test with payload 900gr. (wjcon)
here graph test with payload 900hr (kiko)

For now the winner is… Wjcon square foam

Ciao - Giuseppe

Hi There,
I had the best results with slightly harder foam with small bearing surfaces. The best thing is to cut the foam square and place them on each corner. For Pixhawk you can use the small square surfaces which are already in place. (take the measures for the foam)
I found out that cutting the foam square will give better results as rectangle for x and y.
The smaller the contact surface between pixhawk/APM and chassis the better the result.

Pictures please ?

Ciao - Giuseppe

Ciao Giuseppe, your’re from italy ?

here some pictures

Very good ACCXYZ graph.

Yes, I’m from Italy - Sicily, and you ?

Ciao - Giuseppe