I have a problem concerning the Pixhawk Cube.
I set up Ubuntu on Virtual Box, downloaded the latest source code and compilated/uploaded it by means of waf.
This worked fine but after that the Pixhawk is not responding.
Normally when plugging in USB the Pixhawk connects, disconnects after some time and connects again and then it was available to connect e.g. to Mission Planner.
But now after the first disconnect it does not connect again.
So i think the new compiled and uploaded firmware is corrupted.
I saw that the OS changed from NuttX to ChibiOS, could that cause a problem?
Also waf is used instead of make to compile…
Previously I uploaded my Firmware with make on windows and NuttX which worked fine, but does not seem to be supported any more…
What can cause this problem and how can I solve it?
Normally you should still be able to flash the board from mission planner. Just don’t launch your VM to unsure that you don’t get usb port conflict.
Secondly, what instructions did you follow to setup you build on Ubuntu? Are you using the toolchain install with the install-prereq-ubuntu.sh or Ubuntu default arm-none-eabi toolchain (that you get with apt install)? The second one doesn’t work…
You are right, fortunatelly I was able to flash a Firmware with the Mission Planner. But I am not able to connect Mission Planner with the Pixhawk beside flashing…
Because I wrote a manual for myself this is exactly what I did:
set up a VirtualBox with Ubuntu, update and upgrade system and install git.
run the config script with the following command: “Tools/scripts/install-prereqs-ubuntu.sh -y”
reload path with the following command: “. ~/.profile”
at the end run “apt-get install gcc-arm-none-eabi”
change owner of source code: “chown -R username:username /home/username/Documents/ardupilot”
set board type with the following command: “/ardupilot/waf configure --board CubeBlack” (Pixhawk2/Cube in this case)
compile the code with the following command: “/ardupilot/waf plane” (plane platform in this case)
upload firmware with the following command: “/ardupilot/waf --targets bin/arduplane --upload”
Did I miss a step or was something wrong for my setup?
I deleted my source files and did the steps above again and uploaded the newly compiled firmware with Mission Planner.
After restarting the programm and a few plug and unplug tries now Mission Planner can connect to the Cube.
Is there a problem uploading via “waf --targets bin/arduplane --upload”?