Pixhawk Cube Dual Battery Power schematic

Hello all,

I know 2 is the best power configuration.

but configuration “2” need “Y jack” but I dont have, and I have to order it and wait for “Y jack”
and now I already soldered my drone, so if I try configuration “1” I have to unscrew all drone and resolder it

so I question… is configuration “1” also safe?

I will use 6s LIPO 5000mah X 2 and I’m scared to burn the battery or drone when I connect the power.

I know current draw on the flight log will be incorrect but it does not matter to me.

thank you for your reply in advance.

Just wait for more connectors, there is no point dissassembling just to use the machine a day or 2 earlier unless your really time constained.

Configuration 1 will work but the current readings will be wrong.

Thank you. I order Item abroad so it consumes many time.

I will find another configuration. Thank you.