I am very much new in UAV field. For my quadcopter, I am using px4 fmu version 2.4 with 3DR Gps. I am also using Mission Planner for GCS. During compass calibration process, I am facing little bit problem. I am not getting current heading .
So my question is, during compass calibration, Which one I have to select:
Px4 onboard or external compass. ?? rotation none
APM with external compass ?? rotation 180.
I checked with both options, but mostly it is coming currect using Px4 onboard or external compass and sometimes also using APM with external compass.
Now I am using px4 for compass calibration. But still I am getting problem. Problem is in such a way that,Before going for flying, when i am doing pre flight test for my quadcopter inside the lab, Most of the time Pre compass error is coming again and again, After completing compass calibration process, after sometime again same error is showing. But when i am going for flying, on flying area some times error will show sometimes not.
Kindly help, I am following all the procedure for calibration but I am getting error again and again.
Have you ensured there are no ferromagnetic substances in the proximity of your drone when doing the calibration? This could be many things like steel re-inforcement in the floor, magnetic screws in the table you use, basically anything that emmits a magnetic field - you might not even see it or be aware of it… If something like that is in the range of influence when you do calibration (distance will depend on strength of magnetic field) your calibration will result in compass offsets that will not match offsets needed to correctly show orientation when up in the air (away from magnetic influences). I tend to do compass calibration outside in spots where I am pretty sure there is no metal (e.g. A field, grass etc.)
A normal old school mechanical compass will do Srivastav. You can also try the compass of your smart phone if it has a built in compass - but I find those a little less reliable.
3.6 is still beta firmware. rc stands for RELEASE CANDiDATE, which means this firmware is the first release for public beta testing. NOT a good idea to advise a beginner to jump into the deep end of the pool.
Its hard enough to make a diagnosis by long distance, and its even more difficult when all the patient says is, “I don’t feel good…”
Give us a specific, detailed, step-by-step, indication by indication account of what you are doing, where you are doing it, how you are doing it, and what indications you are getting…
Compass = FAIL - Large change in mag_field (50.37%)
Max mag field length (551.81) > recommended (550.00)
On checking the auto analysis of log files I am facing the compass fail error.
For the compass I choose the PX4 module and calibrated the quadcopter many times. Many time “Pre-Compass inconsistent” error is coming before flying only which is much higher in the lab (testing area) and less on the flying field.
For this log detail particularly, there was no issue of “Pre-Compass inconsistent” on the ground but log showed compass failed after flying.
All the possible calibration procedure has been followed.
I am not able to understand the problem. Kindly, help me with the issue.
Yaw behavior speed issue
I wanted to check the yaw behavior for my quadcopter. The quad followed the Yaw behavior but the speed of heading change was too high.
Need to control the yaw behavior speed. Please, help me with the issue.
Heading changing issue
My quad took take-off at a heading of 91o but landed with a heading of 108o. Not able to solve the problem. Kindly, help me with the issue.
the compass modules are affectected inflight by magnetic fields caused by the high electric currents in the wiring/motors etc. - are you aware of that?
Have you mounted your external compass far enough away from the electrical wiring? Most people put their external compass on a “pole” ~15cm up in the air to avoid magnetic intereference - have you tried that?
Also, you might want to deactivate the px4 internal compass as likely it is much closer to electrical wiring and thus will typically get a lot more intereference.
It’s hard give more specific tips without knowing your config - you could post a screenshot of your compass calibration screen that shows your config and some fotos of your actual drone that shows the position of your compasses, flight controller and electrical wiring - then it would be easier to provide helpfull tips.