First time I ever had an issue with my PixHawk acting strange.
I flew my quad my stick controls were normal (mode 2) while in Stabilize.
When I selected between Stabilize - Loiter - AltHold … WOW! what was forward was backward (elevator) and what was left was right (aileron) … Throttle was fine and turning (rudder) was correct - it was a bit of a handful to get her back on the ground safely …
I packed up the gear and went back to the shack to check the radio for it’s controls including any mixes may have been selected by accident and there wasn’t any found…
Checked the logic in MP as well as QGC programs and they were correct …
Scratching my head to see if there may be a parameter out of whack or if my electronics PHawk or Radio is acting up…
Anyone ever have this issue? What does it take to fix this?