Pixhawk capacitor blown after new PDB / power module

You are getting piece part info thats why your pixhawk is keep blowing up. Thats not the correct way to troubleshoot the problem and find the root cause of your issue. You will keep blowing more FCs.

I will reply to you later how to fix this once in for all. Dont touch it or power it again.

Give me the specs of your LED strip. Also what ESC are u using. Do you have the voltage regulator that comes with your pixhawk?

Thank you very much.

I am using WS2813 strip lights (not utilising the break pins): http://www.normandled.com/upload/201605/WS2813%20LED%20Datasheet.pdf
As far as I am aware the only difference between this and the WS2812(B) LED strip is its bypass functionality.

I am using Simonk ESC’s that came with this kit: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/4x-Emax-MT2213-935KV-BL-Motor-SimonK-30A-ESC-3-4S-for-DJI-F450-S500-Quadcopter/281975971596?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2648

By voltage regulator are you referring to the power module that came with the Pixhawk? If so yes.

The power module / distribution board I am attempting to now use is this: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/5-in-1-Shock-Absorber-Damping-Plate-Integrated-Power-Modules-ESC-For-APM-PX4-BR/293324509050?epid=1692683765&hash=item444b80cf7a:g:fHEAAOSwDI5c1opr
I am getting the correct voltages from the power connector coming from this board and it has been able to power the Pixhawk multiple times.

Ok I will draw you diagram and give you tips how to fix this. Standby!

You’re using PX4 right?

Can you see any marking next to the blown up capacitor does it say C or R and number?

No I cannot I’m afraid. I have a Pixhawk 2.4.8.

Here are some images of my old Pixhawk. Note I have desoldered some of the capacitors for fixing my other board (I intend to try and fix the old one at some point). I believe the capacitor is one of these: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/10x-T491A476M006AT-Capacitor-tantalum-47uF-6-3VDC-SMD-Case-A-1206-20-KEMET/202849771990?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649

This link and site has a Trojan virus


The link is pointing to the datasheet for the WS2813 LED strip, and is not very important.

What is your Lipo battery size?

My Lipo battery is 3300mAh 4s 50C

you have this gimbal?

Also besides GPS, Arm Switch, Buzzer, LED, Gimbal, what else you have connected to Pixhawk?

I do have that gimbal, yes. However that wasn’t connected the last two times a capacitor has blown.

The last time the capacitor blew I only have the LED strips, ESCs, buzzer, arm switch, RC receiver and power module connected.

The LED strip you have selected, read the specs…

The max. power of this LED strip is 18W, the max. current is 3.6A(All the led turn to white, level 255).
We recommend that you use an extra power supply to power this LED strip. For example the max.
current supplied by Arduino UNO vcc is 200mA which is not enough.

your PDP max current draw is 3A. This is the problem one.

Post a full pic of your drone.

Are you using one complete strip or broken it down into small pieces?

how are they wired currently?

It would be 3.6A for a full strip of 60 LEDs. However I am only running 4 LEDs per ESC arm and, at 60mA per LED on full brightness, the ESC should be able to provide high enough current. In fact I was only using 2 LEDs in total when the capacitor blew the last two times.

I am using one complete strip. I will send photos momentarily.

Also are u using Pixhawk to turn them on and off? if yes, how you have configured it.

so LEDs are wired directly to ESC +5V output on a per motor basis?

Each arm on my quad has a strip of 4 LEDs (unbroken). Each strip gets +5V and GND from the servo style connector cable coming from the ESC on its associated arm. This means that only the servo style connector for the ESC and a single signal cable has to go to the Pixhawk. The Pixhawk is used to turn the LEDs on / off. My intention is for the front two arms to have LEDs that mimic the status LED, whereas the back two strips are solid red (done by Lua scripting eventually). So far I can only get one LED on the front two arms to work (awaiting a new Copter release to set NTF_LEN).

so LEDs are wired directly to ESC +5V output on a per motor basis?

That is correct.

Here is your new wiring diagram. Your LED strip is blowing up Pixhawk.

Here is my setup: https://imgur.com/a/gB7845z

Looking at diagram now.