you can set the autotune in one channel of the radio
just set it in ch7 and after this just do the rc configuration on mission planner
You can simply set Autotune as one of your flight modes on Channel 5.
Ok i will try it and will let you know
Ok thanks for reply will try it and let you know what happens
I crashed my drone it went out of control idk how but it went
Any comments for 1st flight what things to take care of?
You need to post the flight log from the crash
00000015.BIN (496.6 KB)
Log of my last flight
can you also explain what things to look for in the log file
Does our remote control model affect the smoothness in flight
I have flysky ct6b transmitter when i give throttle it rushes up and goes out of control please help
The Transmitter should not greatly affect the flight of the copter.
You have some issues with your frame.
1: Vibration
You will need to reduce the vibration as it will be causing you issues.
You seem to have an issue with your CCW motors, RCout1 and 2, overpowering your CW motors.
Check your copter build for twisting, correct props, props on the right way up, etc.
Thanks for your analysis
Yes i have vibration due to motors plus i have pixhawk anti vibration mounts
I have 5200mah battery and power module which give power to motors
I am using 10 x 4.5 props as for dji f450 and i am using plus configuration
Please also explain me how to read and log files and what can i do to remove vibration and balance my drone
Hi, PIs Post some Photos of your setup.
The documentation starts here
Thanks for reply will soon post it
Ok thanks will have a look over it
This is what I m facing while flying it doesn’t goes up smoothly and as i increase throttle it rushes up
Hi, why a + , I would prefer an X over +.
GPS should be on a mast.
Wires (gps, safety switch) rubbing against the FC will make vibrations worse. Balance Props & Motors. CoG must also be taken care of.
Plus quad because I cant place my vibration mount that way I don’t have holes to screw my mount
And yes I know GPS stand is required I still don’t have it I will order it soon and I don’t think wires will provide that great amount of vibration as they are tied during flight by wire tie
what is CoG?
CoG - .Center of Gravity
what to look for it?