I am a new bee. looking at a build with PX4 and using Rush solo, and the rush blade 60a. will be using tarot 5008 340kv. want long flt time with about 4.5lb total. Can this be done? because I need GPS I don’t think I can use the rush F722 fc?? can I? Have to drones to fly but need for more.
Thank You for and help
Can what be done?
F722 based Flight Controllers will not run Ardupilot.
Ok Thanks. so I still can run the Solo, and blade ESC? Because I need GPS to run missions on
I don’t understand the question. “Solo” is what, a VTx? What does that and the ESC have to do with needing GPS?
What I am trying to do, is build a good drone for long flt missions that I can can program into the system. Thinking of using a Pixhawk 4 as my FC. Need the GPS to plan a flight plan with some way points.
Pixhawk 4 is fine and you would typically need a GPS module regardless of whether you run Auto missions.
What I was saying is that I want to use a rush blade ESC with the pixhawk 4. But can not find any information on the web
So use it.
Would be nice. but don’t see how the plugs should go
There is nothing special about that ESC, it’s similar to countless other 4in1’s. There is a 10 pin connector, the ESC signals go to M1-M4. What’s the problem?
This is all you need to know:
Thank You . Was 2months ago when I started this project. and had to shut-down. lost all the info I had made at the time.
Thank you again
Happy new year