Pixhawk 6x GPS[2]_yaw is not available

I try to use two ublox gps on pixhawk 6x ,and use the gps2 ports of pixhawk 6x
but GPS[2]_yaw is not available, i use this site

then i try to use telem port it is also unsuccessful
this is my setting
PX6.param (17.1 KB)
how to solve this problem

What GPS modules are you using?

Follow the documentation that you referenced.

You only have one GPS configured in the SERIALx_PROTOCOL parameters.
You have not configured any GPS_POS parameters.
You have not selected any GPS source for EK3_SRC1_YAW.

The last few posts in this topic may also be helpful.

I use ublox f9p,

SERIAL4_PROTOCOL needs to be 5. And fix the other parameters per the documentation.

@JACK880528 the way this works is like this:
You are supposed to read and follow all the steps in the documentation, after that if something does not work, you post questions.

You are not supposed to post the questions if you haven’t even read the instructions, or even worse, you did read the instructions but did not follow them. That defeats all the hard word we did in writing that documentation.

Got it?

i am sorry,i follow all the steps and find my gps1 need to be 3d fixed and gps2 rtk fixed is to work
need High precision positioning

Hi did you solve the problems with gps2 yaw not available
Ihave the same issues at 2 drone