Pixhawk 4 and Holybro PMB no current readings

Hello, I’m trying to figure it out by my self for few days now and no success. I do get Voltage readings of battery, but no Current. If I arm my autopilot and put power on motors there is no changes on Current values of Ampers - its shows 0.0 (± 0.1)A which is not correct for sure, as it should be way more.

Is it necessary to input any values in to field " 4. Measured current: " to get right values of “5. Current (Calced)”? By saying “any” I mean measured? I try to input random values as 5 or 10 and the results, but it makes influence only on “base” value and readings stays the same 5.0 (±0.1)A or 10.0 (±0.1)A

Do I miss something in setup and configuration? I did not find any others having this problem. Or this could be hardware issue?

All the best

It doesn’t have an option like Holybro Pixhawk 4 under HW Ver ?

It would be useful if you can post your parameter file for a better look on it.

This is not cube, you should set hw ver to pixhawk4

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thanks for your replays. I was pretty sure that I have testes all options in HW Ver. but when I have set it to 0: CUAV V5/Pixhawk4 or APM it started to transmit Current values.
