Pixhawk 2 Edison USB OTG

i have problem with powering up devices with edison otg usb port. I’m using good usb-otg cable but my usb devices don’t receive any power from Pixhawk 2. Firstly i thought it is becouse i reached current limit, but even if i pluged my usb hub with no devices connected(it need about 40mA) which have diode signalising is the hub powered up it don’t work. I don’t have such problem with Intel Breakout Board. So is there a way to use Edison in pixhawk2 as USB host without using external power directly to USB device? Is this a Hardware or software problem (On edison i have latest Ubilinux)? To power Pixhawk i use 4s LiPo and regulator attached to my Pixhawk2 connected on POWER1 port.

I have the same problem here. It’s software problem because dmesg command detects something connected in the OTG