Pixhawk 2.4.8 wrong Orientation

I thought you were saying the compass was rotating the wrong way - I could have read your text wrong.
At some point in time you may have had the Russian HUD selected, which pitches and rolls “opposite” to normal - and maybe you assumed that was normal.
The word “rotation” tricked me - I assumed you meant heading.

By the way, compass calibration always works better if you calibrate away from buildings and power lines AFTER you have a GPS 3D Fix - even if you temporarily fitted a GPS.

I just gave i try everything work perfect
Thanks guys for your advices my bad
Here are some mistake to avoid for beginner :sweat_smile:

  • always do compas calibration good
  • fix all the component harder as you can
  • and always check your SD card ( there are alot of fake SD card out there)

Did you set roll 45 ?