Pixhawk 2.4.8 GPS port

On the ardupilot docs, the connector pin assignments label two of the GPS port pins as CAN2 TX and CAN2 RX. Does this mean that the controller ideally expects a gps module with CAN capabilities? I bought a drone kit online (my first ever) and it came with a gps module (M7), which has four connections to the gps port, mainly VCC, TX, RX, and ground. Then, two to the I2C port, which are the SCL and SDA. I want to get a better gps, but I am confused as to whether I should get a CAN gps or regular? Any suggestions on gps is greatly appreciated as well! I have been interested in Here3 and Holybro M8 and M9, so any insight is also appreciated.

No. There is a GPS labeled port which is a serial port and there is a CAN port which can be used for any CAN device including GPS modules. They are 2 separate ports. They are different protocols; the protocol itself offers nothing performance wise relative to the GPS module it’s the module itself that makes the difference.


I see… okay, that makes more sense, appreciate it! Would you mind helping me identify the type of gps module I would need? I think I am going to get the Holybro M8N gps module, but I am not sure which variant to get. I am assuming that the version with the Molex 6, 4, & 3 pin cable is compatible with my pixhawk 2.4.8, but I am uncertain what the 3 pin switch portion does… is it required to connect it or can I leave it unconnected?

That one will work. The 3 pin connector is for the Safety switch. Connect it and enable it (it is by default) if you want I never use them.

The kit I bought, one of those amazon pixhawk/f450 kits, came with a switch and I currently have it hooked up. But since it isnt required, I think I will omit. Thanks @dkemxr!!

Sorry to hear that. Most of those kits have some very poor quality and/or old tech components. Does it have generic shrink wrapped ESC’s and Motors with collet prop adapters? Something like this?

Very similar… these are the esc and motors:

I want to get updated and quality parts, but I am still in crash test dummy mode lol. I will be buying some nice components piece by piece so that when I have learned how to fine tune the software, I can build a sophisticated craft.

The motors are not terrible, the ESC’s are very old technology.

Yeah we’ve all been there in the phase of buying cheap to minimise $ losses in the early days.
As you improve the build quality and find out what works and what doesn’t, then you can reach for those more expensive parts for reliability.
Paradoxically it is sooo much easier to get a build of quality parts flying correctly and well tuned, than it is with cheap parts and Daves “Noodle Arms” ™ - yet we all start with the cheap parts through necessity :slight_smile:


I see there are some relatively inexpensive CF frames around in the 7-9” prop size range. I ordered a couple different ones to check out. A full size Pixhawk like the 2.4.8’s may not fit but I wouldn’t use those anyway.

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@xfacta this makes a lot of sense to me! I am so excited to get to that realization. It is pretty satisfying when you finally have your head wrapped around the mechanics and can notice the difference quality stuff brings when finally making the upgrade. Especially with electronics!

If I may ask, what ESCs and motors would you guys upgrade to? My goal is to build an autonomous drone with precision landing capabilities i.e. travel some distance and detect an ArUco marker, then gracefully land on it within minimal error. I am using a leddar one rangefinder and RPi cam v2 for the mission.

I like the 10 inch props, but my current configuration is only giving me approximately 10 min. flight time. I am assuming that with an upgrade to motors and esc also comes a battery upgrade, which I also want to start thinking about. I currently fly with a 3000 mah, 11.1 v, 50c, 3s lipo. Can my current configuration handle a bigger battery?

Any ideas/suggestions are very much appreciated!

Do you just google them to shop around or do you go to specific shops/webites? I would like to see the ones you’re talking about @dkemxr!

Here are a couple links. One on a slow boat, the other from Amazon. Basic CF “FPV” style frames at relatively low cost. I have similar frames at much higher cost, we’ll see how these look. There are others around.

I honestly think I messed up buying the motors I have. I cannot find any props that fit the shape of the shaft. They are flat circular… have you witnessed any shaft like this before?


The components supplied with those kits are not what you want. But I think these props fit:

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Oh heck yeah, name brand props… thanks! I wish I would’ve know that they call this type of motor shaft a DJI hub sooner. Oh well, Im grabbing these GemFans for now.

Whats your favorite brand of motor btw?