Anyone had this issue.
When connecting the GPS module to the Pixhawk 2.1 at GPS2 port on the board then when starting up I can hear the startup tones but LED button does not light up
If I disconnect the module and restart I get the tones and Red led button pulsing
As per usual when I press this I have action.
Do I need a special cable as the GPS is Ardusimple
GP2 2 port does not Support the Safety Switch or LED. It’s for GPS and Mag only. Your primary GPS port os for these.
Are you saying when you connect a 2nd GPS is caused this ?
The wiring for the ports is as follows
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Hi Ian
On the Pixhawk 2.1
GPS Port 1 is used for safety switch and GPS (If you buy the here+)
So with the ardusimple I only have GPS Port 2 (Using the wire loom connecting the Zed-F9P to GPS2)
I have changed some config settings but still see on the screen NO GPS on the screen
I have bypassed the Arming_Require to =0
I now have drive but need the cube to see the GPS module
Roverlist-DGB-4-5-20 NO GPS.param (16.2 KB)
These are all my config changes