Pixhawk 2.1 Delivery


First of all, sorry for posting this here, but I couldn’t find any other means to contact you on proficnc.com.

I’ve placed an order on Oct 13th, with payment accepted on the same day (express delivery via DHL), yet I don’t see any shipping/handling development so far (I’m posting this on Oct 19th).
What is the handling deadline?

Again, sorry for posting this here, but I’m really in a hurry to get it for my project.


HI Arthur,

The Pixhawk2.1 should be delivered end of this month, there was some delay, please check daily the updated information on https://www.facebook.com/groups/pixhawk2/

I am just a buyer like you and I am expecting delays because it is a new AP and we (you also) will be among the first to have it.

Thanks John, I will keep checking!

Hi Arthur
You can contact us via the website, or Facebook. Deliveries are scheduled to start second week of November.

I apologise for the Delay :) 



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