Pixhawk-1 not reporting messages on the HUD tab

Please see the message tab on the main page (Pic below). These are the only messages I get at initially. After these messages no other message is reported such as mode change, and spacially arming. Pixhawk is not arming. Everything looks happy, servos are moving, but not arming or showing any error messages.

Safety switch enabled and pressed?

Yes. Servos are moving, but no messages or arming. I even tried removing all the arming checks with no results.
Interesting thing is that when I connect my other FC f765, I see messages but not with Pixhawk-1.

Problem solved. Servo mapping had some issues between two free-spirited OpenSource programs (OpenTx and MP). I created a new model on my Taranis with exact settings as before and now it’s arming. I am blaming OpenTx.

This entire concept of Input and Mixer pages on OpenTx could be better managed on a single page.

MP rocks.