Pixhawk 1 Current Firmware Download

I have an old pixhawk 1 i built a plane with it in 2016, is it possible that i can download the current firmware version on it and upload it to another pixhawk 1 ?

No. And why would you want to?

because the person that helped me build that rc plane im not in contact with him anymore, and he built a custom firmware on that pixhawk, thats why i wanted to see if i can download the firmware off it.

Use the Parameters and as a starting point and the latest stable version.

Note: Well, the parameters have changed quite a bit since 2016, even the parameters names. What version was the custom based from?

when i start it with mission planner , this what pops up on the messages


PX4v2 001A002F 3335510F 32383336

That is running PX4 firmware, not ArduPlane firmware.
You are in the wrong support forum.

Thank you, went to the correct support forum. my apologies

i went to pixhawk forums, and they said this is ardupilot firmware, just want to confirm

Looks like some ancient version Ardupilot. Are there any log files stored? Post a link to one if so. Or, just try loading the current Stable fmuv3 or Pixhawk1 firmware.

@dkemxr he wants to download the old FW from the FC, not upload a new version to the FC.

@amilcarlucas Yes, I saw his initial request. I suppose I was suggesting to abandon that plan and simply update to latest Stable and get to configuring!