Pitch inverted - bug?

I assembled the motors,esc and apm of my octocopter, according to page copter.ardupilot.com/wiki/connec … nd-motors/

the reference picture for the numbering of the motors, is reported in the middle of the linked page and i assume that it is a top view.

NOTE: my frame is a OCTO+

I calibrated everything.
While calibrating the radiocontrol on mission planner, i can see that, moving the pitch lever forward, the value of the pitch on the mission planner increases.

i placed 100kg of payload under the copter, in order to let it stay on the ground.

i armed the copter in stabilize mode.

i increased the trottle to 50%
moving the pitch lever forward, i can see that the motor 2 stops instead of spin.
moving the pitch lever back, i can see that the motor1 stops instead of spin.
moving the roll lever left, i can see the motor 7 correctly stops
moving the roll lever right, i can see the motor 8 correctly stops

this is wrong in my opinion, since when i move the pitch lever forward, i want that the copter goes forward. correct?

why pitch is inverted and how to solve the problem?

Thank you.


Just flip it or reverse it on your transmitter. I have a reasonable selection of quads now using multiple flight controllers, some APM, others not. I don’t worry about why one controller or another interprets the signal backwards but some certainly do. I just change my transmitter to give them what they want.



Just flip it or reverse it on your transmitter. I have a reasonable selection of quads now using multiple flight controllers, some APM, others not. I don’t worry about why one controller or another interprets the signal backwards but some certainly do. I just change my transmitter to give them what they want.

This is not a technical answer.
I expect also the answer to the following question: moving the pitch forward the mission planner should show the pitch increasing or decreasing? If it should increase, your solution is wrong. It seems to me a bug in the firmware.

[quote=“Gaucho”]This is not a technical answer.
I expect also the answer to the following question: moving the pitch forward the mission planner should show the pitch increasing or decreasing? If it should increase, your solution is wrong. It seems to me a bug in the firmware.[/quote]

It should decrease.

this is wrong in my opinion, since when i move the pitch lever forward, i want that the copter goes forward. correct?[/quote]
correct. and you should see the pitch channel increase when you move the pitch stick forward (upwards). I know this inverted channel thing mostly from the throttle channel, as some transmitter have it inverted by default. Actaully this was always a transmitter thing.

I’m currently using a Turnigy 9x with opensoucre er9x firmware and a FrSky Radio Link with CPPM output. so one signal wire for all channels, and none of the channels are invertered. I don’t think this is a APM firmware thing. PPM is ~ 1000us to 2000us and invering is done on the ppm generating side, as far I understand this.

so the solutions is to change inverted / not-inverted on the transmitter. you can do this for each channel seperately on most transmitters.

just check this in radio calibration screen and you should be fine: roll channel decrease is “roll left”, increase “roll right”. pitch decrease is “nose up / pitch back”, increase is “nose down / pitch back”. rudder decrease is yaw left, increase yaw right.

To ziisco and jschall: you wrote opposite answers.

To ziisco: i think you read too fast my post, cause I already told you that when i push the pitch lever FORWARD/UP i see on mission planner the pitch channel increasing its value. According to your answer, this is correct, i have no problem on this.

To jshall: you said the opposite of ziisco: the pitch channel should decrease its value. According to your answer I should invert the lever on my turnigy 9x radiocontrol configuration.

Ultimately with copters it is really really simple: the copter either tilts the way you expect it to or your stick needs to be reversed on the TX.

Going through all of this handwringing is unnecessary.

It is more complicated with plane. You also have to set the RC#_REV parameter properly so that the plane knows to reverse the servo in auto modes. But since there is no output servo in copter, I believe this step is skippable.

[quote=“jschall”]Ultimately with copters it is really really simple: the copter either tilts the way you expect it to or your stick needs to be reversed on the TX.

Going through all of this handwringing is unnecessary.

It is more complicated with plane. You also have to set the RC#_REV parameter properly so that the plane knows to reverse the servo in auto modes. But since there is no output servo in copter, I believe this step is skippable.[/quote]
I think that this is a lack in the documentation.
In my opinion the mission planner should show pitch increasing when the copter goes forward, cause it’s more intuitive than the opposite, like you’re asking me to configure it.
Anyway, thank you, I’ll apply this setup.

EDIT: supposing that mission planner is used also for planes, may be that, when pitch decrease value, by going forward, the plane user can betetr understand that the plane is going to decrease the altitude. it’s the only reason that i can find for this choice.

Pushing pitch forward should decrease the value as it’s documented here: copter.ardupilot.com/wiki/initia … io_control

really good, it was the answer i was looking for.
thank you lioon.

I reverted it on my radio control, now pitch is ok.
on turnigy 9x just enter setup menu, then menu REVERT, then invert the ELEVATOR (ELE).
press ENTER to save, then exit. done.