Piksi with APM Rover

Hi Guys,

I’m trying to use a Piksi with my APM Rover and I’m having some issues.

What I’ve done:

  • Connected the Piksi to the GPS port using the SwiftNav Pixhawk cable
  • Updated the FW on the Piksi to the latest .14
  • Updated the Pixhawk to the latest APM::Rover (.48)
  • Set the Param GPS_TYPE to 8
  • Set the GPS port baud rate to 115200

…And nothing :frowning: No sign of position reports being sent.

Is there anything else I need to do to make this work? I even tried to set the GPS_TYPE to 5 (NMEA) with the Piksi printing NMEA on UARTB. Nothing still.

I traced back the pinout of the Piksi/Pixhawk cable and all appears to be well there too. RX to TX and TX to RX.

Any ideas?

I think that this thread will provide an answer to your issue: http://ardupilot.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=26&t=11317


I actually saw that post. No help :frowning:

He was trying to use the included radio cable to connect it, but that didn’t work due to a pinout issue. I have a cable with the proper pinout.

Sorry Chris1seto - your ahead of me on your Piksi configuration. Mine are still in the box! Once I get them up and running I’ll post what I did. I assume you have read this guide
docs.swift-nav.com/wiki/Piksi_on … n_Tutorial

Does this help? Its arducopter but that doesn’t matter regarding GPS.
diydrones.com/forum/topics/piksi … arducopter

Thanks, Grant.

It’s is NOT working yet!

I have uBlox at GPS port as 1st GPS
Piksi with Piksi to Pixhawk cable at Serial 4/5
All serial ports at 115 kBaud

Piksi Console Observations
Piksi Console Settings
Mission Planner Status
GPS Params
Serial settings

I cannot get in contact with Niels.


Piksi settings is not readable so I’ll write them here

FW Ver 0.16
NAP ver. 0.10

UART A -> 3DR Radio
mode SBP
mask 64
telem True
baud 115200

UART B -> PixHawk
mode SBP
mask 65280
telem True
baud 115200