[PID Initial Setup] Hexacopter with 16' propellers problem with PIDS

I have question about initial settings for autotune. On first flight was flyable in stabilize (slow respond but without oscillations). My hexacopter weight is 5.6kg with 6s lipo 10000mah and 16’ propellers (Cube Black on board). I had “hard” landing after start in AltHold with new pids (oscillation Pitch Axis)
My settings:

http://droner.biz/raven/logs/autotune-log.zip - log from autotune flight
http://droner.biz/raven/logs/hard_landing.zip - start and hard landing after reboot (saved autotune pids)

I think all of those filter values are too low. Try 15Hz. And the ATC_ACCEL_P_MAX value and associated Pitch PIDS are too low (from Auto Tune). I would reset the filters, reset the ATC_ACCEL_P/R_MAX values to 70000, reset the PID’s to default and start over with Autotune. And set these:

Hint: In Mission Planner hit Alt>A for the Tuning plug-in.

Before running Auto Tune you may want to set the Dynamic Notch filter.

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Would this help. Put the propeller size 16.

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Thx @Ilmapoccari :slight_smile: That would be like init screen in Mission Planner first question about propellers size, frame size and lipo.

Hi Kamad, Can I have the Initial parameters.xls, because it’s not accessible anymore.

You must have a very old link, I changed it a couple of years back - this is the new link that still works.

There might be a couple of confusing sections in that sheet, ask me if you have doubts about something.
Mostly they are sections suggesting notch filter settings.

Thanks Shawn, I was able to download. are these parameters works well with with Hexadrone too?


The spreadsheet and calculations suit any multirotor configuration.

Just put in your prop size and battery cell count (and change chemistry too if you have to) and the values will recalculate - you have to copy and paste them into a text file, or enter them directly in the full parameters list.

There is also the hover thrust value to put in here:


which feeds some of the Harmonic Notch Filter calculations.

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