PH2 and Castle Creations ESCs

I had an X8 flying with Castle Creations 35s ESCs
Two of the 8 ESCs have a BEC,.
On the old PH1 set up I just hooked all the ESCs up and everything worked fine except it would not calibrate in MP, I assume due to the fixed end points
When I moved over to the PH2 I read that the rail was no longer powering the cube and it cautioned against having to BECs on the rail
So I removed one of the red power wires from one of the ESCs with a BEC.
That left one ESC with a BEC that should have powered the rail for the other ESCs
But I have no power on the rail. When I plug in My DR4-II it is not powered, and I cannot get the leds to light up on the escs unless I attach the castle link connector via USB

Anyone have any experience with CC ESCs on the PH2?
Should I dump these and go with a more conventional ESC?

"That left one ESC with a BEC that should have powered the rail for the other ESCs"
Are you trying to power the ESCs through the rail? Why? I guess you mean you want to power the rail with one ESC.

So you have +5V from the BEC on that ESC you are trying to power up the rail with? Are the rail(s) splitted?