Pavo Pico Brushless Whoop Quadcopter

I am shopping for a small quadcopter, and the BetaFPV Pavo Pico seems to match the Ardupilot requirements, but I don’t see a firmware listed on the download page for F4 2-3S 20A AIO FC V1.

This particular flight controller have following spec:

  • CPU*: STM32F405RGT6 (168MHz)
  • Six-Axis: ICM42688P (SPI connection)
  • RX: Serial ELRS 2.4G Receiver
  • RX firmware version: BETAFPV AIO 2400 RX ELRS V2.5.2
  • Antenna: Enameled wire
  • Blackbox Memory: 16MB
  • Sensor: Barometer(BMP280)

Can someone point me the firmware fitting this FC?

FC: F4 2-3S 20A AIO FC V1 – BETAFPV Hobby
Pavo Pico: Pavo Pico Brushless Whoop Quadcopter – BETAFPV Hobby

It doesn’t look like we have a port for that but it looks very similar to the 1S AIO board I did. Its worth possibly trying that to see if it works. BETAFPV-F405

Thanks Andy. When you used BetaFPV-F405, did you disabled logging? Board blackbox memory is only 16MB (no-SD slot). Did you disable anything else?

It has a flash chip I think

So there are three choices that could fit Ardupilot:

  1. Pavo Pico, starting at $105 : Pavo Pico Brushless Whoop Quadcopter – BETAFPV Hobby

  2. FlyLens, starting at $140:

  3. SpeedyBee Bee35, starting at $230: SpeedyBee Bee35 3.5 inch Drone HD O3 Air Unit FPV - Speedy Bee

Does anyone in the Ardu_community own these and can comment/recommend which one would be a good choice?

I fly in large fields and losing a drone is no fun, that’s why I like Ardupilot RTL. Much more reliable than iNAV/Beta flight.

You need to find out what flight controllers they use - not sure any are supported as yet

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Here are the FC spec:

  1. Pavo Pico

  2. FlyLens (Flywoo):

  3. SpeedyBee Bee35:

No I mean the name of the FC

  1. F4 2-3S 20A AIO FC V1
  2. GOKU F405 1-2S 12A AIO
  3. SpeedyBee F405 Mini BLS 35A

I think we might support 2&3

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Did anyone succeed with running of Ardupilot/Copter 4.5 on F4 2-3S 20A AIO FC V1 board that is inside of BetaFPV Pavo Pico and Pavo20 Pro? I’ve tried it to make run on Pavo20 Pro with some kind of success with BETAFPV-F405 ardupilot target board, but detecting of Baro doesn’t work. See my branch Commits · mariansoban/ardupilot · GitHub
This means, than only flymode I can use now is STABILIZE.
There must be something different with baro between older FC board version BETAFPV F4 1S 12A AIO V3 — Copter documentation and the newer one, but I have no idea what yet, documentation to new board says, that it contains Barometer(BMP280/DSP310), which could be rather DPS310 I don’t even know if baro is connected with SPI or I2C interface…

PS: I also had to fix motors order, but this is the configuration thing.

There are a lot of different variants of these BetaFPV boards with similar names but very different setups. I suspect you need to create a new board definition.

Just for info - I’ve made that baro-sensor work with this update of configuration in hwdef.dat

BARO DPS310 SPI:dps310

It uses SPI interface with same pins of STM32 like BMP280 in previous board version.

INS_GYR_ID: bus_type:SPI(2)  bus:1 address:1(0x1) devtype:52(0x34) INS_ICM42688 (3408138)
INS_ACC_ID: bus_type:SPI(2)  bus:1 address:1(0x1) devtype:52(0x34) INS_ICM42688 (3408138)
BARO1_DEVID: bus_type:SPI(2)  bus:3 address:2(0x2) devtype:6(0x6) BARO_DPS310 (393754)

@_sobi , Are you planning to merge these changes (PR)? That would be nice :slight_smile:

Hi, actually I’m not, but feel free to create PR if you would like.
By the way I was facing issues with accelometers on Pavo’s board, see topic

for details. Gyros works fine. I’m not sure if it’s the issue of my board or if it’s common issue to this board.

@_sobi thanks for sharing your struggle with the F4-board. I am not a developer perhaps @andyp1per can PR if the Ardupilot board feels worth merging your changes.

I’m going to try and get one