Passthrough telemetry over CRSF (crossfire)

goodness, just found this thread, and judging the length I already know I’m in over my head. I was trying to enable CRSF with a Kakute F7 V1.5 (non-aio) which has 1Mb flash and I can’t even get RC coms (ignoring telemetry for now). Now I see that CRSF support is not fully sorted out. I was hoping for TBS range + Arducopter + telemetry. I wish I could help with the development but I lack the ability. But if another test case is useful, I’ll volunteer.

I’m seeing here that the 1Mb flash is most likely my first problem? To start with, it sounds like I will need to learn how to compile my own firmware version, and also learn how to remove certain features before compiling so that it will fit on my kakute. That alone is daunting enough to make me want to run SBUS and sacrifice the telemetry. Here’s one question that I’m confused about: are CSRF and Mavlink separate protocols? If so, can I use SBUS for the RCin and then configure the nano to spit out Mavlink telemetry on a separate pin to a separate FC UART?

Hi, it’s working quite well for tens of users actually, tested and used in conjunction with DJI for long range video+RC+telemetry

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on 1Mb flash? I thought I saw earlier that a reduced compile yet CSRF included was necessary. I just dumped the latest 4.1.0-dev (26a3a02c) on there. Do you think I have misdiagnosed my problem?

I did rebuild the arduplane FW with your patch. the new debug line appear in log appear every 5 sec aprox…

As i was planning to a backup link for MAVLINK, my XF WIFI on the Micro TX V2 has always been connected to my AP as wifi client…
I have juste clicked on" Forget Wifi" in the CRSF LUA Script → XF Wifi, and the issue has disappear !

So the issue seems to be linked with the TBS Wifi Agent running… which is doing param request every 10 sec…

haha…great news! if the agent has a distinctive string we might be able to ignore it’s requests… need to think about it, really glad you figured it out! Good problem solving

Only possible with you help ! Thanks you so much

I will try to do a patch proposal for filtering WIFI agent request…

If you pull in this change as well you should be ok:

try this, as @andyp1per suggested it includes the patch to make it fit on the KakuteF7

I know nothing about the TBS cloud or WiFi, can you explain how to reproduce your setup?

in system menu, go to lua crossfire config lua script, then select XF WIFI. After choose AP mode or Client Mode. I was using Client Mode, so I had to enter my wifi SSID password (painfull with, TBS agent Win10 client is much better). Then the Wifi Agent is connected.

So as soon as you connect it it starts sending parameters query? That bad

Hi @yaapu Some good news i got it working on custom H7 board, with crossfire full size module and micro RX on a RadioMaster TX16s. No GPS lock as i’m indoors. As mentioned above went into crossfire script and pressed forget wifi, after that no issues.

On a side note i’m sure i read somewhere that its possible to use Mission Planner maps for your map widget/script but cant find the post anymore.

Anyway great App from a first time user,


Great! What are the exact steps to trigger the WiFi issue, I don’t seem to be able to reproduce it :frowning:

MissionPlanner maps support requires 1.9.3, docs are here

I’ll turn on wifi again, i never tested it with your Script/App but had some issues finding sensors when wifi was on, after seeing post above i turned it off, so i’ll trun it back on and report…

Thanks for the link

Just to make it clear, the WiFi/sensors issue is because @andyp1per and myself agreed on having a very high priority for parameter processing, whenever a parameter request frame is detected the CRSF library does it’s best to process it as fast as possible which is OK if the user is inside the LUA script and does not care about smooth telemetry but otherwise leads to telemetry slowdonws and “apparent” freezes because we actually disable custom passthrough telemetry for serving parameter responses

Unable to trigger the issue with WiFi in AP Mode, trying STA mode now.
Note: the TBS Agent running does trigger the issue since it continously requests parameters on the CRSF bus

So have reconnected the TBS wifi to my home wifi network and can see the it in the Router, Radio app is slow when connected to TBS Agent but as soon as i disconnect the refresh rate, hud etc goes back to normal. So actually it works fine when connected to wifi, but i dont see the point as it cant pass anything to mission planner in CRSF mode ?

CRSF is not mavlink :slight_smile:

If you enable mavlink while using CRSF as RC protocol you get a mavlink emulation layer that converts CRSF telemetry coming from the FC to mavlink messages but it is one way only FC -> CRSF -> TX -> MAVLINK ->WiFi -> GCS and according to users not mature yet

i realise that… :wink: i didnt know that you could set it up this way…
I shall try it now …

haha, if you check older messages you’ll se that both @vierfuffzig and @andyp1per use it