I upgraded from version 4.4.3 to 4.4.4 yesterday (my FC is Kakute H7 v1.3 and selected target is KakuteH7-bdshot = same target as I use with 4.4.3). After the upgrade many parameters are missing (= I cannot see them in long parameters list, e.g. BAT_ARM_VOLT and many others) as well I lost configuration of my quad (e.g. frame type and class are set to other values than were before update). I tried load param backup file bat but during this process I got error messages like “parameter is out of range”, last message is "43 parameters are missing“. I am using last MP version with beta version upgrades included. What am I doing wrong? I am lost because I really don’t know what to do - I already tried downgrade to 4.4.3 but same issues occurred.
If you have an old log you can extract the parameters and reapply
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I tried load .param file but it doesnt work - as i wrote "I tried load param backup file but during this process I got error messages like “parameter is out of range”, last message is "43 parameters are missing“.
You should be able to ignore these messages. Keep doing a cycle of apply/reboot until the errors go away