Parameter update prob in Mac APM 2.0.10, 2.0.11 and 2.0.12

I know Bill Bonney has posted of some serial code problems on the Mac in recent versions - perhaps this is part of them.

I have been unable to update parameters on my Pixhawk from Mac OS X 10.9.4 in APM 2.0.10, 2.0.11 and 2.0.12. I’m loading parameters from a file and making some edits. The file was created on 6/22/2014, and probably written by APM 2.0.10. However, I have the same problem if I do a fresh boot, and change one parameter by hand.

The symptom is that it starts to write the params, but then never finishes. And upon a “refresh” I find that most (if not all) of the parameters were never actually written.

I’ve deleted config and preference files, re-installed FTDI drivers, tried different bad rates (USB) and also wireless connections. Re-flashing the released firmware also resulted in no joy.

What is the recommended way to debug these problems? I’m stuck with the config that’s on my Pixhawk until then…

Can you upload your log files after attempting to make the changes to the parameters, and then refreshing to find them unchanged? Be sure to shut down AP2 before attempting to copy the logs. The log files are located in /Users//apmplanner2/log.txt, log.txt.1, etc