Parameter setting for Bicopter with Tilt Rotors

I am building a Bicopter and referring to Quadplane Setup and Operation in wiki.

Q_FRAME_CLASS I set it to 10. Is it correct for Bicopter ?

Wiki does not have this param for Bicopter. What values should I set ?

Q_TILT_TYPE Arduplane V4.2.3 does not have this param (3 for Bicopter as indicated in wiki).

What values should I set for this param ?

Should I use TiltMotorFrontLeft/Right, or TiltMotorRearLeft/Right value?

Thank you for any help.

Hi Frankie,

Did you figure out the correct frame class and type to be used for the TiltRotor Bicopter? I’m also building one and would really appreciate some clues.

I have been building different types of multicopter, including bicopter with and without tilt rotors, tricopter with 2 tiltrotors and 1 fix rotors.

Could you give up the link to my original posting, as I posted quite a few ?

Hi Frankie,
Did you manage to figure out the Q_TILT_TYPE? As I can’t seem to find this Param, would really apricate some hints.

Hi Frankie,

I was seeing this pot of yours (Parameter setting for Bicopter with Tilt Rotors)

But I am building a Tiltrotor BiCoptor, basically [Left Servo + Left Motor] and [Right Servo + Right Motor], like the Samson helicopter in the movie “Avatar”. It is not a VTOL plane that would fully transform the propellers forward and will only be flying as a copter at all times. Which frame class and type do you think this would match the best? I couldn’t really find an existing frame option in Mission Planner. Thanks a bunch for your help!!

Jianing Liu

If you plan to only fly in copter mode, then you should really use ArduCopter instead of ArduPlane. There you can set FRAME_CLASS = 10 and the parameter FRAME_TYPE is ignored for bicopters anyway, as stated here.

Hi Jianing,

I have been successful building a bicopter (no tilt rotor) using KK2 as FC. It flies as a copter, pitching and yawing are achieved by tilting motors back/forth and one forward/one backward. There is no separate switch to control the forward /backward of motors.

In addition, I have been experimenting a VTOL (V-22) with 2 tiltable rotors., also with KK2 but different firmware, OpenAero VTOL. There is a switch controlling the transition from VTOL to forward flight mode, at different tilt rotor angles. This project has been going on and off for few years, with some degree of success on hovering only.

Though I am involved more with Ardupilot (plane and copter), but for tiltable rotor application, I find that KK2 and its firmware is more user friendly than Ardupilot suite. The latter is more versatile and more powerful, but in terms of convenience in adjustment in field, KK2 has a built-in screen for field adjustments, instead of a laptop which Ardupilot needs. (Mission Planner has mobile version which is still in development and is not very convenient to navigate with cell phone).

I gave up experimenting bicopter with Ardupilot firmware considering success to a certain extent with KK2. However, I am still testing a tricopter (2 tiltable rotors at front and 1 fix rotor at rear), and a tail- sitter ( 2 fix motors) , both with Arduplane firmware (Quadplane).

Attached are the video of my bicopter and photo of VTOL (V-22), both running KK2…