Parameter naming

I made some notes on Trad heli parameter probably back in Arducopter V4.2.x.x. One param is THR_ACCEL_P (if left at default of 0.5, when switched to Altitude Hold, swash plate will jump up and down violently. Try set to 0.35).

I have updated the FW to V4.3.7 and could not find this param(MP 1.3.80). Pls advise the equivalent param in current FW.

Thank you.

In Channel 6 Tuning there is “34 Throttle Accel kP”
which adjusts PSC_ACCZ_P , part of the position controller.
This hasnt changed forever as far as I know.

You would have to search thru some very old archived material to find that.

The description of PSC_ACCZ_P ( Acceleration (vertical) controller P gain. Converts the difference between desired vertical acceleration and actual acceleration into a motor output), seems different from that of THR_ACCEL_P. The latter param seems controls the altitude when switching to Altitude Hold.

You have to go back to 3. something to find that parameter. So many things have been re-factored that it’s most likely meaningless now. If you post in unsupported perhaps someone will remember. I see it in an old 3.2.1 parameters file from 2015…

This is certainly not true:

Thank you. Should forget those outdated parameter