Can someone tell me what parameter to look for in the dataflash log for commanded/desired speed? I’m trying to find the speed the FC should be flying based on the current waypoint.
I don’t know that a commanded speed will be shown in the logs, however a parameter sets that if you’re flying an autonomous mission
I think this does though, however. You need to find what you have that set to and that will be what your waypoint speed is.
Thanks, Mark.
I had WPNAV_SPEED set to 450. According to the dataflash log, the aircraft flew the first half of the route to the intermediate landing at that speed. However, after takeoff again, it flew at only 1 meter/sec the rest of the way back to home and final landing.
In previous versions of the firmware, this same pattern was flown without any issues with speed. I suspect a bug, or new feature (?), in the firmware.
Maybe post the log in question?