Parameter definitions

Hey, for a project of mine (a custom remote with a simple GCS software) I’d love to have a machine readable description of all parameters in ArduPlane, ArduSub, ArduRover and ArduCopter. Are there precompiled lists (like the mavlink xml files)?

Yes there are apm.pdef.xml files with that information

They are available at Index of /Parameters/versioned

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Thank you!
Just as a suggestion, Maybe link that page in the list of parameters in the docs page. Thats where I looked at first/what google lead me to.

That page is brand new. @hwurzburg has not updated the wiki yet

Not true…has been in wiki for two years for each vehicle and firmware version…here is from plane Complete Parameter List — Plane documentation

@hwurzburg please re-read what I wrote.

I said the page Index of /Parameters/versioned is new and not linked from the wiki yet.

And AFAIK that statement is true.